A Robot's goal

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V1 fell through the portal, until he hit the road of something. Getting up and looking around V1 revised that they were back inside of Hell. V1 knew that what they were doing now was not the best they could do. That if they were not beholden to the whims of Blitzø that they could gather blood ruthlessly and without burden. But until there was another demon or otherwise that V1 could work with, Blitzø would unfortunately have to do.

V1 made their way back to the I.M.P, killing everything it their way of course. However most sinners knew of V1, and stood very far away from them. There was the odd few, but they were very quickly packed up, that's when an announcement played on every TV in the pride ring. It was about how the extermination had been moved up to six weeks from now, and no one was happy about it. No one except for V1, knowing that when the extermination happened, a portal to Hell is made and maintained for at least a little while.

This would allow V1 to go back to Heaven if they get sent back like they were now. Going to the door of the I.M.P, V1 had noticed that the door was locked. Wanting to see inside, V1 climbed up the wall, going through an unlocked window to get inside, to see a note.

"Hey V1! From your last angel thing I know you will make it back! We're at the Harvest Festival with Millie's family! See you later! P.S don't touch my shit also Loony has the book if needed. Sincerely, Blitzø"

Reading over the note, V1 realized that the portal to the living world could be opened and closed at their leisure. Immediately went to the phone calling Luna, and was promptly ghosted by Luna who was on a call with Verosika's hellhound. Luna then became to be annoyed from the constant call's and blocked the number, not even checking who it was.

Knowing that Luna had the book to get into the human realm, and that V1 had no idea where she is, V1 decided to take another run into one of the levels of Hell that they have not been to before.

Heading into the limbo elevator, every other thing in the limbo left, and as V1 got onto the elevator to go to his destination, this being the greed ring, everyone stayed far away. And why would they get close? Every single one knows someone who has been killed by V1 on their daily bloodbath. So they stay away, not tempting death itself.

Ultrakill X Helluva BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora