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Heading out of the large hive building many hellhounds looked at V1, yet none dare to have their eyes linger on them for too long. Knowing that V1 may just murder them, they quickly hid. V1 was about to take a closer look at the gluttony ring, when V1's phone from Blitzø started to ring.

Trying to answer, but being unable to due to V1's metallic fingers, an answer popped up in front of them. "You can't scare us!" A brave yet foolish hellhound said. Before the hellhound could mutter another word, they were shot dead.

V1 then went up to the body, and used their on of their fingers to answer the phone. "Hello, are you there?" Blitzø asked through the phone, "Yes, what do you need?" V1 robotically replied. "Thought you lost your phone for how long it took you to pick up," Blitzø stated, "How fast can you get up to the I.M.P, we have a family in the woods to assassinate" "Oh so we're wait from them, but you don't wait for us!?" V1 could hear Moxie yell over the phone.

"V1 is a murder machine, literally you fucker and they do a better job than you!" Blitzø yelled back at Moxie, "Are you fucking-" Moxie said, but got cut off my the phone hanging up. Understanding the instructions, V1 started to sprint towards the Limbo elevator to get to pride.

Getting to the Limbo elevator, there were many hellhounds in it trying to move around hell. However, when V1 stepped into the elevator to get to pride, all the hellhounds got out. Falling to the fate of needing to wait for the next elevator. Except for one, very drunk, hellhound.hellhound. "How you dooooooo" the hellhound tried to say before getting caught on her words. "Man, I think all of those people stepped out in respect to my vibes" the hellhound said to V1 waving around the empty elevator.

"You think you're hot shit?" the hellhound said poking at V1. As the elevator doors closed, that was the last time anyone would see that hellhound again.
As V1 got near the I.M.P building, V1 could see the three imps and the hellhound standing outside, with Blitzø pestering Moxie. "Oh you're here" Blitzø said turning his attention to V1, "Ok, let's go lick some ass!" Blitzø said, "The expression is kick some ass" Millie corrected, "mines better," Blitzø said before jumping into the portal.

The only ones who were outside the portal were Luna and V1. "Are you not coming?" V1 asked Luna. "Not my thing" Luna said while seeing a new video from the gluttony ring. It was a fight between V1 and Bee-lzebub. Her eyes then widened in terror as V1 walked through the portal.

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