The Climb

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To the slight luck V1 their was only on other ring between the pride ring and gluttony. The reason that they were not going to that ring is because the ring is wrath, somewhere they've already been.

Using the whiplash and dashing V1 climbed up rather fast. But releasing that the sooner they got their bloody reward, V1 began to climb faster and faster. Any time they slowed down they began to slip, so going up fast was the only option left.

Each time they whipped up they got faster and faster at. V1 wanted to try using their angelic spear to spring themselves up, but their couldn't spare the time while climbing up to reach back and grab the spear.

After a while V1 got to the wrath ring, and what waited there for them. There were several imps holding guns, throwing knifes, and an assortment of other things all pointed at V1. They were informed by the hellhounds down at gluttony that V1 was climbing their way up.

For a second the imps did nothing but watch as V1 continued to speed up towards them. Then a single shot rang out, the sound echoing off the elevator shafts walls. The bullet missed V1 but that single shot got every other imp to began their assault.

V1 had to jump between the walls to dodge the several things being thrown and shot at him. V1 was unfortunately unable to retaliate in their normal way due to not being able to stop for enough time to grab them.

Every so often V1 was able to grab the throwing knifes out of the air and toss the back, leading to a few imps being hit a falling down the shaft.

Climbing closer and closer some of the imps abandoned the others running as far away as they could. However, the imps with guns had an opportunity as V1 got closer to settle their aim. Unfortunately V1 couldn't dodge the bullets as they were heading towards them. So V1 simply tanked the bullets, planing on healing up from the blood of the ones who shot them.

One of the imps waited for V1 to extremely cost before trying her shot. The imp waited until she could see her reflection in the eye of V1. The imp tried to take her shot, but V1 was close enough to grab the barrel and shift it up. Leading the bullet to indent in the ceiling.

With a single swipe of the angelic spear the head of the imp fell to the floor. Before that ever happened most of the imps had already left, and any others were very quickly murdered by V1 with an alternate revolver.

As other imps ran away V1 shifted their head back to the elevator shaft. Based on the information V1 had gathered in the pride ring there was only one person in Hell who could control the limbo elevator.

And that demon was most likely waiting for V1 in pride. If V1 ever wanted to go on a full killing spree that demon had to go.

Attaching the wire from the whiplash arm to the elevator shaft once more V1 made his way to pride. To kill the king of Hell himself.

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