Tides turn

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As V1 cut off the angels legs, she screamed out. This screen call the attention of near by angels, for they have never heard an angel scream like that. "HOW COULD YOU," the angel screamed while taking flight. With no legs to stand on, the angel was a flying upper half, with blood falling from her knee caps, "I AM PERFECT," she yelled while charging, "YOU ARE A INSECT," she flapped her wings charging at V1.

Unfortunately, she did not learn her lesson. V1 simply held out the angelic spear, and shoved it through her head, killing her in an instant. All the angels who saw it froze in shock. They didn't even know they could die, but here in front of them was a successful execution. Some even fell from the sky.

Eventually the angels realized what happened and angrily charged at V1. Thinking that V1's kill was just a one time thing, and even if it wasn't there were too many of them. This was the best out come for V1. As the cluster angels approached V1, V1 switched the angelic spear into their left hand, and pulled out the alternative revolver into his right.

As the angels came from the sky, V1 took aim with  the alternative revolver and charged it up. Letting it fire, the gun shot out six beams, all hitting a different angel. Yet as they hit the angel they each reflected off that angels wings, but the hit still caused a little pain. But with the beams nigh infinitely reflecting off the cluster of angels, a little pain can be multiplied to extreme amounts.

As the beams reflected more and more angels began to fall from the sky, in pain but not hurt. As the fell what waited for them at the bottom was V1, spear in hand. For each angel that fell there was more golden ichor fell from onto the ground.

The only time a living body hit the ground was when two fell too far away from each other, even then after V1 would finish with the closest one they would use the whiplash arm to attach a grappling line onto the spear. Then throw the spear, kill the angel and pull it back. It became almost a song for V1, the angels the notes and V1 the musician.

Unfortunately a good song cannot last forever, for the angels V1 were killing were not all of the angels who entered Hell, so when around half of Hell was killed they began to take flight back into Heaven,l. Even some of the angels who attacked V1 got away due to there not being enough angels to keep up the ricochet of the beams.

As the angels flew back up, some turned around to look at V1, to see them walking away. Not even acting like what they did wasn't known to be literally impossible for anyone in Hell, and they knew that the must tell Adam. What they did not know is how so many angels missing could be covered up.

Just in case anyone doesn't know what ichor is, ichor is the golden blood that runs through the brains of the Greek Gods.

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