Layer 0: Limbo

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Following Blitzø V1 walked through Lust, bumping into a few imps who glared at him, saw his gun, then quickly walk away. "Where are you taking me?" V1 asked Blitzø. "The Limbo elevator you short ass robot, haven't you been on it?" Blitzø spit out. (A/N: Just realized that Blitzø it taller than V1, this will never be brought up)

Looking at Blitzø V1 simply responded. "I have not been awake for a very long time" "Well satan on a fork how long have you been asleep for!?" Blitzø yelled out as people looked at him for yelling. "What, don't you have some porno to meet at!" Blitzø yelled at the people looking at him. They then walked away, knowing that he was right.

Continuing forward the two came into a golden elevator room, looking around one could see archways leading to different entrance points to Lust, all of them having an eye above them at the very end. Looking at the very end there was a large elevator that all the imps and demons were flocking to.

Suddenly a voice came on to the intercom "Departing for pride in five minutes". "Shit we got to run" said Blitzø starting to head for the elevator. V1, keeping the camera forward followed him into the elevator, looking at an empty seat V1 took it.

"Now all we have to do is wait and let the bitches up top to pull us up" Blitzø said with a yawn. "Now excuse me, the fucker needs some shut eye" Blitzø then closed his eyes and started to snore. Looking around at the other demons he saw more than imps. He saw demons and hellhounds siting around. These had enough blood for V1 to act.

V1 quickly flipped 3 coins into the air, one coin flying into the middle of the left side, the other two went into the to left corners. V1 then pulled out and charged the electric railcannon.

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