Chapter 52 - Planning the Festival

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Ink's POV

  The afternoon sun was warm on my cheeks, it was surprising as normally the day was chilly due to the approaching winter season.

  The breeze floated over the balcony and then floated down, passing through the branches of the trees that grew up the stone bricks of the castle.

  I let out a tired sigh, placing down the book I had onto my lap. I reached for the cup of tea on the table next to me. However I soon found out that my cup was empty.

Me: Beatrice.

Beatrice: Yes, your grace?

  I heard her voice from inside my bedroom. She was cleaning the wood fixtures and fixing the blankets on my bed.

Me: Can you refill my tea?

Beatrice: Yes, your grace.

  She walked out onto the balcony, holding a kettle delicately in her hands. The maid poured tea into my cup and bowed to me before returning to her previous task. I took a sip and picked up my book once more.

The piece of literature was about the liberation of the vampiric race. Some thousands of years ago, when the vampires were relatively new to this world, mortals had enslaved them. On the day of the festival was when Mary led a revolution against the mortals and helped the vampires break free of their enslavement and go into hiding. Over time, mortals began to believe vampires were only a myth.

  This festival was to commemorate Bloody Mary and their freedom. It was my responsibility to make this holiday memorable and worthy of celebration.

After a few more pages, I closed the book and stood up. Now was a good time to go to town and think of some ideas.

(Time Skip)

I walked into the town square, where the most popular shops were located. Beatrice followed behind me along with a group of silver clad soldiers.

The non-vampiric races stopped and watched me in curiosity. I was somewhat grateful that it was not night as I would have been swarmed by excited vampires.

As I stood there in the center of town, I watched the fountain's water. My mind imagined the different ideas that came to me. I wanted to make the town square the center point for the festival. Perhaps I could dye the water red to make it look like blood. From what I learned, blood was the most important symbol for this race.

Me: Beatrice. What if the fountain water was dyed red for the festival?

Beatrice: I think that would look nice, your grace.

Me: And we could hang flower garlands from building to building. An assortment of red roses, white lilies, and black dahlias. We could also throw petals onto the walkways and create certain paths with candles.

  My maid let out a small "ooo" as she seemed to the imagine what I was talking about. I was beginning to put together an idea for the style of the festival, it could be elegant and regal.

Me: Are you getting the picture of what I am thinking of?

Beatrice: I believe I am. Something luxurious and noble-like. I will make arrangements to gather the flowers and candles. I am sure Xander will find out a good solution regarding the color of the water.

Me: Okay.

Beatrice: My wife is good at making flower arrangements so I will ask her to help with the garlands.

(Time Skip)

  I sat at my desk in my study, writing on a piece of paper. After a few hours of being in town Beatrice and I were able to create a festival that I hoped would be good enough to celebrate.

  The style had been decided to be elegant with flowers and candles. In the early hours of the evening, there would be a market set up in the town square. This was where people could set up a stand to sell their homemade food or trinkets to represent the freedom of choice.

  Then, a little closer to the castle, was an area that set up for a group of dancers and musicians. Traditional vampiric dances and songs could be played and taught to others. This was to represent the history of this kingdom's people.

  The temple of Mary would be a place of calm worship. People could come in and offer gifts to the statue, honoring the mother of vampires and the woman that broke them of their enslavement.

  To keep the children entertained there was a place that they could go to craft costumes and run around a hedge maze. This maze would be created with the help of magic. If they wanted to, the children could also paint or draw. The adults could even join in.

  I had planned several activities. A play would be organized that would retell the story of the revolution. Magic duels would be scheduled so that magic users could test their skills among good sportsmanship. Parental vampires could teach their children how to shift into bat form and practice their hunting.

  Finally after all the eating, dancing, singing, and activities, I wanted everyone to gather in the courtyard of the castle in the late hours of the night. They would be given lanterns that they would light up. Once all of them were lit, the people of Kilkree would release them and watch them float into the sky. This was to honor the dead.

  I sighed as I stopped writing to stare at the paper. This was the first event that I have ever planned in my life. I was hoping with all of my soul that my subjects would truly enjoy...

The liberation festival

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