Chapter LVII

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- Nathan -

- Dakota, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be at school for another hour. – Violet asked, with a shaky voice.

- A better question is what are you doing, little sis? – the older huntress countered, her eyes inspecting us. – Bringing animals to the house without asking isn't good manners, especially a stray one. – he comments looking at me.

- I can explain. – I chime in, trying to help.

- I don't want an explanation from you. You're trespassing and I doubt your dad knows about it. – the ginger snarked.

- You're right, let me call him and explain. – I propose.

If I manage to get my father here, then he can convince the hunters to let us go. He'll be pissed I went behind his back, but it was for a good reason. I'll explain that to him. Kaya and Mason will be let off the hook, they were only accompanying me. Shit, I almost forgot, Caleb is on his way. If he gets here before my dad, we are sure to get in trouble. There must be something I can do, think, Nathan.

- I don't want explanations from a damn animal. – Dakota sneers. – I'm going to enjoy watching my father take care of you. – she says viciously.

- I already called Dad, he's on his way. – Mathew says.

- Perfect. - she adds, pleased.

- Dakota it's not their fault. They didn't do anything wrong; I invited them over. – Violet explained.

- I don't care. Father is going to take care of this and I'm gonna make sure none of you leave. – her murderous eyes glared upon us.

She's everything that's wrong with hunters. Hunters protect the fine line between the supernatural and the natural, they are the only ones who know about us. If humanity knew about the existence of werewolves... there's no telling what would happen, which makes them essential to the natural order of things. However, there's a big difference between hunting werewolves to protect humans and hunting for the fun of it. Dakota is the latter kind of hunter. She hunts for sport and kills werewolves just because she likes it. That makes her vicious, untrusting, and a psychopath.

- Dakota, you don't need to do this; we just made an agreement with River Valley. – I speak calmly, trying to remain neutral and unaffected.

- So, what? – she responds spitefully.

- So, we allied with River Valley. That means that, by extension, we also allied with your father. – I point out. Mathew and Dakota exchange a glance, but they are still wary, not trusting my word. – I'm sorry we entered your house, but I was only trying to help my mate. – I add truthfully.

- Whatever. – she dismisses.

- I know you don't like us, but we didn't do anything wrong. Please, just let us go. – I say.

- You still don't get it, do you? – Mathew speaks now, his deep angry tone harsh. – Our feelings toward your kind have nothing to do here. If it were up to us, you all would be dead already. – he spat. – But it's not our choice, it's our fathers. He'll decide what to do with you. So, shut up and sit down! –

There's no point trying to convince them, there is no way they are letting us go. The only thing I can do is calm myself and wait for Caleb. We remain like that for a while, Mathew and Dakota watching over us like hawks. I decide to continue reading about the originals, trying to make the most of the time being. I learned the names of the original werewolves that survived: Ancyor, Bucoloin, Lycius, Mecisteus, and Nyctimus. According to this book, the hunters have located the descendants of almost all the originals, and they are spread across the world: Norway, France, Brazil, and Germany. They know where they are exactly, the family name, members, pack name, and from which original family they are. Everyone, but the descendants of Lycius.

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