'The Weight of being the leader. '

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The Time Me And Dooka Met A Crazy Capybara: Book 4, Part 9

W/ Mya And karis.

Setting: At the spot in the military base where karis and mya are currently hiding at.

No One's POV:

Mya Had Thought back When The group was little as she leaned against the cold, tile wall, how graceful and peaceful It had been. Like way back, she remembered those times in Kindergarten. It was A brief memory, but also bittersweet. It reminded her of how the groups were together for a long time now, stood by each other's side and held each other through thick and thin. And She wishes it'll never end. That they'll still search and protect each other til' their last breath, and even be so determined to be there for eachother, even in the afterlife and a million lives from now. She felt that the phrase 'Til Death do us part' isn't and shouldn't be just for weddings and marriages, or- or any other sexual romantic reasons like mya previously listed, but it could be for friendship.. Too. A Lot of things just doesn't have to mean one thing, She could just go on and on about everything and tell her friends how much she loves them and would never, ever leave them.. But She knows they might not understand.. Or ever will. She just wants to apologize for everything she had put them through. She knows nothing lasts forever.. For example, her peace when it gets interrupted with a Loud, BANG. karis and Mya flinch, "Woah!" Karis yelps. Mya stands Up immediately. A capybara lunged out from the cold shadows. "Dang.. first one we saw in a long time. That's for sure." Karis mutters, Mya nods in agreement. Still not taking her gaze off the towering, furious capybara. They had no Idea what they had done wrong, yet this capybara looked ready to tear the two girls to shreds! Animals can be scarily unpredictable sometimes. "..Easy??" Mya says to the capybara, though it only seemed to infuriate the monstrous, scarred, huge rodent even more. A million thoughts went through Karis's head as she nervously eyed the malicious capybara that had stood before them. "What are we gonna-" Mya asks but karis buts in. "No Idea. Seriously. Run, Maybe?" Karis asks, Mya quickly responds with "Really want to do that right now." Karis had no idea if it was sarcasm or If mya was being honest. She was too scared to dive deeper. The only thing they could think of was.. Crud.




W/ Corniyah, Elona And Masoma.

No One's POV/3rd Person..

Setting: sitting on the curb outside an old shack.

Everyone lounged around, taking everything in. recovering, knowing they still have been walking for a short period of time but they still wanted to keep as much energy as they can get in case anything tragic or major happens.. You'd think that the other group would do that.. But no. unfortunately not. Kennon would worry too much, Mya would just argue. Julian would just keep talking a mile a minute, Sgt. rudo would want to keep moving, and karis would get overwhelmed with all the arguing. Elona Yawned. "What's The date, today?" Corniyah asks with a slightly wide grin.. Hoping for the other two to catch on. "..May 15th, Its A wednesday." Elona responds.. Corniyah's heart sinks.. She'd think that they'd catch on. Apparently what they didn't know is that It was her Birthday. She thought it was a bit foolish to care about something as childish as a birthday, but She couldn't help but still feel a bit sad and betrayed. She slightly started to give up and the others returned to doing their own thing. Corniyah sighed in defeat. "So, Team. what should we do?" Elona asks, fishing out a saliva covered tennis ball from her backpack that she had snatched for Oliver. It was a small gesture, but to oliver.. It was everything. Dog's Mindsets could be weird. Elona still had a tight grip on the tennis ball while Oliver was staring open-mouthed, tail wagging and completely locked in. "Sleep." Masoma says, Elona sighs then hurls the tennis ball forward, out into the street while the dog had eagerly sprinted after it. Elona sinks, bored. She'd never admit it, though. "Hey, Guys?" Masoma calls out. None of them respond with a "Hm?" OR a signal that she had caught their attention. She went on anyway. "You think we'll find them?"Masoma says, but then quickly adds on to her question, leaving no room for the two other girls to put in their two cents in. though they didn't seem to care, let alone paying attention. Their minds were far too filled with more, not so giddy-and-happy stuff to have room in their minds to have stupid random theories and comments that elicited from masoma way too much. "And- What I mean by 'them' as In.. Karis, Mya, Julian.. And maybe, Just MAYBE. Kennon." Masoma clears up the confusion that was never even there. "We get it, we get it, We get it. Now stop talking so much and occupy yourself. Like play fetch with Oliver or something."Elona jumps in, then tossed Masoma another Tennis ball for her to throw oliver. "Jeez, how many do you have?" Corniyah queried. Elona only gave a half-hearted shrug, and that made corniyah for some reason.. Feel more Hurt. she had no idea why she was so emotional today, It's just her birthday. It's not some special holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas or something. (But it is to me..) Corniyah couldn't help but think that. She immediately turned away from that thought and began taking stuff out of her backpack and setting things to the side, as if they were staying here for a while. Even If it was just a little while, they needed the rest. As Corniyah closed her eyes, she drifted off to sleep. The sounds of masoma talking to oliver, literally. Subsided as she went into dreamland.





W/ Kennon And the two strangers.

Setting: Still in the conestoga wagon, only thing different is that It was currently only Kennon in the wagon.

Kennon's POV/1st person.

I miss my friends. Is the only thought that has been lingering in my mind for the past 2 hours. I've been thinking about my friends so much I almost forgot about my Injury, and that Old Man and that girl. "They aren't dead, they aren't dead. No. That old man can't actually mean that.. Right? No. Don't think that way kennon, your friends are alright. And you'll probably get to see them again soon." I desperately mutter to myself, As I now shifted onto my stomach, face smothered in the white, feather filled pillow. "They're probably worried about me, Aren't they? I know Karis Is probably having a heart attack." I say. It felt good to know that you had people that actually cared about your own wellbeing other than random strangers. My mind flashes back to those two people I met. They've currently been inside their old, creaky house for the past 15 minutes. They had already spent a good 45 minutes keeping me company in here, probably longer before I gained back consciousness. (Could they have been ambushed by the capybaras? Or shot and attacked by Enzo Like I had been?) I thought, sighing. My heart thumps a steady canter in my chest as I restlessly shift around on whatever I'm laying on. The weak, vintage wagon slightly shook with every movement I made. "Rest your mind kennon, they're probably alright and you are too. Just get some sleep, please." is Probably what karis would say.. "Go to sleep." Would be mya's answer to my restlessness. "Get rest, Brother." is what Julian would say.. But in a slightly aggressive tone. That tone would always be his way of showing worry. "You deserve some shut-eye, kid. Go get some." Is what lastly Sgt. rudo would say.. A small smile tugs at my lips at the thought of the actions of their concern for me from my friends. And that makes me miss them more, and I know they miss me too. And I know that couldn't have been our last interaction together.. Our story's only started. It can't end this way, right? I sigh an exhale of stress and anxiety. I know you all might want to tell me to calm down and shut up and get some sleep, But I just can't. No matter how hard I try to convince myself that they're still out there, somewhere in the world.. The nervousness won't leave. I am the leader, after all.. I guess this Is just the Weight of being the leader. And that's when I heard a Loud THUMP from outside the wagon.

To Be continued.

Word Count: 1456

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