'The Last goodbye &The Sacrifice.'

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Time Me And Dooka met a Crazy capybara: book 4, part 10.

W/ Julian And Sgt. Rudo

Setting: Still Looking for Kennon throughout the military base.

No One's POV/ 3rd Person:

"Wow, How long have we been walking?" Julian asks, perking up after moments of silence and the sound of footsteps just filling the air. Sgt. rudo sighs, before responding. "About 7 to 9 hours.. If you want to Take a Break, Ya Can." Sgt. rudo says, and Julian graciously takes Sgt. Rudo's offer, the sweet sound he'd been waiting for, Sense forever basically. An Opportunity to just rest, and He had jumped at it. He felt a Bit bad for stalling their Duo-Search party for kennon, But They needed the rest. Moreso Julian, Though. Sgt. Rudo Didn't seem tired one bit. Probably some weird routine/habit Soldiers and police officers do. (Guess I'll have to learn that to become a police officer or a soldier one day.. If the world does ever end up going back to normal.) Julian thinks, as he just sits down to rest. A tall-ish thing dashed past in the darkness, Julian sat up straight and looked around, on edge. Then quickly snaps his head to sgt. Rudo, who looks unfazed. (I might be seeing things... Am I just tired? Well, we have been walking for a while. Maybe I should shut my eyes for a little-) Julian's train of thought gets cut off with something coming their direction. Then something tackles it out of the way. Sgt. Rudo raises his weapon.. Which is an AR-15, Julian now turns on a Flashlight sgt. Rudo had given him. It slightly illuminates the pathway. And Julian sees two capybaras wrestling and fighting to the death. Both of them are beaten up pretty badly. Julian doesn't know if he should intervene or just run away, or simply let Sgt. Rudo lead The way. Though He recognizes One he saw before. His mind flashed back to that young, little capybara kennon had adopted.. Technically. Only one word pops into his head. Daisy. (but how?) Julian thinks, As he Looked at the capybara that was familiar, currently winning against the stranger rodent. He doesn't remember Daisy being like this. And He definitely doesn't know If Daisy's still the young, sweet capybara the group had known.. Even when the answer is staring him right in the face. (She saved us.) Julian thinks. No way He could let Daisy lose against this thing, even if She's On top of this right now.. Even if she's way more powerful, bigger and stronger from back then. She could still lose. Soon, the capybara that was getting attacked by daisy and was most likely coming to kill Sgt. Rudo and Julian.. Had now thrown daisy off... Unfortunately Daisy crashed through a rack of supplies. Daisy remained unmoving for a few seconds.. But to julian It felt like years. He just wants to help her. Besides, Kennon will be devastated once he finds out his beloved capybara he had found when she was just a helpless pup in that basement.. Or attic. It was a while back since he had told that story. Guttural snarls and yelps from time to time filled the air. Julian watched helplessly while Sgt. Rudo Kept his gun drawn.. Daisy was now the one who was getting beaten to a bloody pulp when it was previously the other way around. It started to get too violent. And that's when sgt. Rudo started firing.. What a weird idea. Why would he do that? 8, Loud.. crack-crack-cracks shot through the air. Until Daisy was hit in crossfire. The other capybara had dashed away into the darkness, Sgt. rudo missed. The other capybara had escaped, the only wounds it had was the one's daisy had given it. Daisy was shot. Julian rushed over, he didn't know why this had to happen.This was a Mistake, she had to survive. Julian sat next to Daisy who was limp,breathing shallow as warm blood pooled beneath her. Eyes slowly darting from Julian to Sgt. rudo, Who still kept his distance, face full of guilt and remorse. "I'm sorry." Julian sniffles, stroking her blood stained, clumped fur. No way she could survive this. Julian wanted to say she would, but she was too far gone. The only thing they could do is just be there for her until the very, very end. "I know Kennon's not here.. I wish he was too. I'm sorry you couldn't see him one last time, If I had it my way.. I would have let you see him as many times as you'd want." Julian mutters, his eyes glazing over Daisys wounded body. Why'd It have to end for her like this? Sgt. rudo shifts uncomfortably. Julians eyes get extremely glossy. Trying hard not to cry. Julian slowly and carefully hugged Daisy's wide, broad neck. Closing his eyes as tears streamed down his face. "You didn't have to do that." Julian says, barely above a whisper. "I Wish I could've saved you... like you did for me and sgt. Rudo." Julian says, scratching behind her ear as a comforting gesture. Julian felt his heart drop to his stomach every second Daisy's breathing got shallower and shallower and the pauses between her flank getting longer and longer each time. Until It finally stopped. Daisy's head lung low and limp. Julian slowly and reluctantly let go of her, not gathering the strength to look at the capybara. Daisy was gone. It was such a pain to see such a Strong, sweet and young, and most of all.. Different capybara to leave so soon. Julian backed up.. Eyes clenched shut. Sgt. Rudo Exhaled, then nodded. Julian now opened his eyes, full of melancholy. As he now stared at the shell of the thing he knew for such a short duration but trusted other than sgt. Rudo and his friends. He muttered yet another apology, as Sgt. Rudo and Julian turn to leave. What mainly comforted Julian, Is that something told him that the two of them did what they could, and that what matters the most is that she had died peacefully in one she had known arms.. And that she was able to live to become a strong, independent capybara. Even if it was just an animal.. It Was Daisy. And Daisy had left a huge impact on not only Kennon's life, but also everyone else's in the group. Maybe even sgt. Rudo.




W/ Mya and Karis.

Setting: In the hiding spot in the military base.

No One's POV:

The two of them stood in fear, before deciding on fleeing. The capybara chased after them.. And that only made Mya and karis sprint faster. They ran for their dear lives, they couldn't afford not to. They and their friends depended on it. Last thing they need is walking away from this mess with only 3 people instead of 5. Karis breathed in and out rapidly... even possibly close to hyperventilating if that isn't what she's doing already, While Mya still had a horror-stricken expression plastered on her face as she kept up with karis. (Track really paid off... huh?) Karis thought to herself while they continued to run away from death. Karis's mouth was desert dry but she managed to swallow. Then she sprinted faster than before. The two steered to a stop and hid in a room with an open door and immediately slammed it shut. They heard the approaching, thundering, booming steps of the capybara coming closer then gradually fading away. That's when the two sighed a breath of relief and plopped down. "That's the, what? 4th death experience in the span of 6 weeks?" Mya says in disbelief. Karis forces out a chuckle and slowly nods. "Guess we should make our own movie about this or something." Karis says, and the two share a smile. It felt good not to argue every 5 seconds... They might even say they are starting to get along now.. What a good feeling.

To Be continued.

Word Count: 1332

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