'The Decision We make.'

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The Time Me And Dooka met a Crazy capybara: book 5, part 5.

W/ Oliver.

Setting: In the burned down school building.

No One's POV/3rd Person:

Oliver Had ran around the burning school building, barking frantically. He sniffed the air, he was able to make out something that wasn't just smoke and fire. He sensed a Human, And he growled and barked as his Hackles raised. Then there appeared, A Human emerging out of the fire. Just like the dog had sensed. The Human had dark, cold eyes.. And salt and pepper short sheared hair. Oliver sniffed the air, eyeing the human warily. The Human had chuckled, and crouched down Eye-Level with Oliver. "Well Hello." The Human's voice was deep and menacingly rumbly. Oliver barked, and The human had Chuckled. "I'm assuming you don't have a name, now do you?" The human smiled slightly. "I'm Sure you'll be okay with staying with me for a while, Yeah?" The Human smirked. "My Name's Axon. Axon Dalton." This 'Axon' Had said to Oliver. Axon had Stroked Olivers head. "Now." Axon says, "We might be going too fast but.." Axon pulled out a green liquid-filled syringe and injected it into Oliver's Neck. Momens after, Axon had a sly smirk. "This Is one of the things that mutated the capybaras, as you have seen." Axon speaks To Oliver, as Axon wagged the now empty syringe. Axon seemed like a complete lunatic, A Brainiac even. "It wont do much harm to you." Axon says with a maniacal grin to Oliver Who Had Already Doubled In Size, And His Curled Canines longer then before, "You know.. This is the first time this transformation's ever been done on a animal that isn't a capybara, let alone a dog." Axon chuckled. "Whats Even Better..." Axon says, "Is that I'll have full control of You Now." Axon grins, Oliver had turned into something unrecognizable. He was a massive, burly, wide, muscular figure with orange, cold eyes. His Constantly wagging tail was now limp at his legs. Oliver, went unconscious and fell to the floor with a Thud. Axon just had a non-chalant reaction to Oliver's Unconscious state, almost as if this happened many times before. "We'll take you back." Axon's Smile Had faded completely, as he turned around. Almost immediately, some other humans and capybaras came to assist. Soon, this 'Axon' person, and those capybara's.. Lef the school building to burn, and now.. They took oliver too.






W/ Corniyah, Elona & Masoma.

Setting: Outside their old Elementary school that was now burned to a bunch of bricks and destroyed objects.

Corniyah's POV/1st Person:

I hardly paid attention to whatever Masoma And Elona was talking about, I was too busy watching my school I used to know, Used to attend.. Get burned to Nothing, Right infront of my eyes. "What do you think Corniyah?" Elona asks me, and its sort of a wake up call... that we can be attacked any minute, for the second time... for that matter. "Huh- Uh...." I stutter, Crap. "I Like it." I say sheepishly. Both Masoma and Elona Give me weird looks, and I Cringe. "Girl, What are you Talking about?" Masoma queries, raising a brow. "Yeah, Whe you even listening to what we where saying? Or where you off in day-dream land once again?" Elona Briefly teases me. I force out an awkward laugh, Masoma remains serious. "Seriously though, where you paying attention?" Masoma asks and All I Do is shrug, receiving a Exasperated sigh From the two in return. "I- Well, Okay.. maybe I wasn't?" I smile awkwardly, then shift weight uneasily from foot to foot. "Jeez, Corniyah. Why are you suddenly so lost in thought all of a Sudden?" Elona scoffs in disbelief and laughs dryly, albeit absolutely no humor in it. "..It's- It's Just Alot to take in, okay?" I put my hands up slightly in my defense and I don't bother making eye contact with the other two. Masoma looks away, and Elona goes silent.. Almost as If She's thinking about something. "With- With the apocalypse,the capybara's, and oliver completely gone without a trace, the fire, the burned down school building and-" I start. "We Get it, Its alot. But we can't just avoid it, we'll have to face it and fight against this crisis... not the other way around." Elona says, she actually looked concerned for the first time... Not her typical 'sweet, uplifting, encouraging' facade... it showed true, genuine worry. I Sigh, nodding and looking down at the ground. "Look, I know. But we might be going too fast." I say. Elona And Masoma exchanged confused glances, and I started to feel like I was missing out on whatever they were telepathically thinking. "Corniyah, we can't just 'go slow' or whatever you're trying to get at. We can't afford to do any of that, we have to think of a plan, and fast." Masoma says, her head turning my direction and I Sigh Feeling a Lecture coming on or a huge speech. "We don't know what else could be out there that's worse than the capybaras out there, if there is a bigger threat, but we better pray we're wrong. We don't need two things trying to kill us and cause another apocalypse." Elona says, expression serious and I adjust uneasily. I knew she could be right, and with our luck right now.. I wouldn't be surprised if there was another dangerous threat.. Or more. I sigh, running a hand through my hair. I look at everyone who's covered in grime and minor cuts, including myself. I swallow hard before speaking. "What do we do? We lost our duffle bag in that fire. It had all of our valuable resources and now it's probably burned to ashes and useless stuff." Elona and masoma shake their heads, it seems like they've been wondering about that for a while as well... Now, we're basically defenseless. "It wasn't easy to find all of that stuff, y'know?" I add... and everyone fell silent. "Now it's just gone.." I snap. "Like that." I finished my sentence.. And Elona spoke again, looking at Me.. Then masoma. "Well, I guess we know now not to go into abandoned buildings.." Elona says. I nod, finishing the sentence. "Ever Again." I say. Masoma Sulks. "Well, We should go now." Masoma changes the subject and stands up. We all nod, and now.. All three of us, resume our journey.

To be continued.

Word Count: 1069

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