Along Came A Dr and Vampair ( Duke X Masacrik X Reader ~DARK~ ( NSWF 🔞)

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Author's Note: Guess who~ yup le me~ I have been wanting to do a one-shot like this featuring a character from an animation series in Russian called " Pyshocuties by Tamakuz and her content is on YouTube if you are interested in then go check it out. There's another video called " The Elevator Man if you want me to do a one-shot of that with Duke let me know in the comments. A little info on Pyschocuties to understand about this main villain, Dr. Masacrik is a doctor in disguise but he's a serial killer having an interest in violence and making his creations. He made himself a pet girl from the dead who has cat ears named Mimi who's brainwashed in fear and always submissive to him in all his commands. There are more characters to be introduced once this project gains more attention. Now further or do, enjoy the one-shot between these two and the poor reader " THIS IS DARK SO PLEASE LEAVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE FICS LIKE THIS! You can still read other ones to pass the time.

Another solid page is done! You said slamming your computer with a stretch you did on the chair you were sitting in. You were in a cafe, continuing amounts of papers to fulfill to get your degree after hours on calls, listening to other people's commutations, and trying your best not to fall asleep. You looked at the time and realized it was going to be midnight, another all-nighter you pulled making you sigh and put your head down from the lack of sleep. You turn your head to see a handsome man with red hair, in a doctor's coat are those pink heart socks he's wearing? He gave you a warm smile while smelling a rose.

Maybe he's new... You said your hands folded as you proceeded to walk out of the cafe which was something you'll regret later. You saw a strain of your f/c hair slipping between your face, you place your fingers on back to fix your f/c hair back in place. You wore your f/c long sleeve weather, and a pair of f/c stockings, along with your f/c shoes feeling eerie looking both ways with your hands clutching tightly around your bag. You stopped in your tracks to see a very tall black silhouette hanging upstairs upon a tree whistling.

Don't draw attention to it Y/N... just keep walking

You said as you put your head down trying to find a nearby street but for some reason fog was surrounding you, and began to hyperventilate and shaking . You then proceeded to speed walk having no idea what's going on until you see black shadowy hands closer to your back and a pair of wide eyes holding a weapon behind it's back. You were in danger and you picked up the pace and started to run. You kept going until you were out of breath and ended up in alleyway where only one light flickered. You went your way until you gasped " Feeling black shadowy hands covering your mouth along with another injecting you some drug in your arm making your vision go blurry and your body weekend but before you lay close to death, you could have sworn you were hearing two voices.

Dr. Masacrik: Oh I'm deeply sorry, was she yours~?

Duke: In matter in fact, I searching all night for human to...

Dr. Masacrik: Drink there blood~ most vampires always do that, I should know that. I'm a doctor after all~

Duke: Hmm.. And what are you doing here then with MY girl?

Dr. Masacrik: Didn't want to break it to you dear vampire but I had my eye on her first when she was leaving a cafe~ I was quite fond of her .

Duke: How so?

Dr. Masacrik: Oh just watching her overworked herself, her fingers gracefully typing on the keyboard, when she nervous she clutches on her bag and the amount of fear makes me go for that andreling ~

Duke: You're not human are you?

Dr. Masacrik: ( Chuckles) Oh my Immortal friend, I am quite human I just more of a " COMPLETE PYSCHO!

Duke: Charming, why is it that I always bump into someone who's more chaotic then me.

Dr. Masacrik: We could share her if you want ~

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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