A Bet

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She needed to tell him.

She didn't know where, or when, or even how, but he needed to know how she felt.

Loki had fully healed by now, but she still gave him occasional stomach rubs, and mothered him.

It seemed to be the only way she was able to show affection without risking their friendship. Then she thought about what went on the last time she'd tried to get information out of him.

Maybe she could do it again?

But how?

As it happened, she got a chance the next day.

It was all boring and normal, and she was on her computer, damaging her hearing with headphones, browsing the Internet for funny new trends, when she heard it.

It was a faint sound, because of the headphones, but she still recognised it.

'Loki,' she screamed, 'What have you done to Tony?'

'What do you mean?' Loki teleported behind her suddenly, and she flinched.

'You know damn well what I mean,' she retorted, 'What have I told you about plotting without me?'

'I haven't even done anything.'

'So why could I hear your evil laugh?'

'Nonsense, you must be mistaken.'

Savannah narrowed her eyes at him, before turning back to her laptop screen. Loki sat next to her, and, in one fluid motion, she had him pinned by his arms to the bed.

'Cool, right?' she said, at his shocked look, 'Natasha taught me. Next week, she'll teach me to kill someone with my thighs.'

'What a way to go,' Loki mumbled, 'Now get off of me.'

'No. You will tell me what you've done.'

'Or what?'

Savannah smiled, a malicious smile that sent shivers down Loki's spine.

'Or, I sit on you properly, and tickle you into submission.'

'You'll never take me alive,' he shrieked, 'I'll never tell.'

'Loki, the only reason you won't be able to tell is because I will tickle you until you stop breathing.'

'That's not nice.'

'You're a god, you'll survive.'

'Maybe so, but asphyxiation hurts.'

'Then tell me what chaos you've caused.'


About ten minutes later, Loki was begging Savannah to stop.

Well, he would, if he were able to stop laughing long enough.

'I think it's cute,' Savannah said, suddenly.


'The fact that you're so ticklish.'

'I am not ticklish.'

'Of course you're not.'

'Shush, you.'

'Bet I can make you blush.'


'I can make you blush, within five minutes.'

'No you can't.'

'Wanna bet?'

'The last time I made a bet, my lips were sewn together.'

'Well, I've never been much good at needlework. If I win, you have to tell me what you did, okay?'

'Understood. And when I win?'

'If you win, I will never tickle you again. Deal?'


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