She wished.

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  • Dedicated to Old Norse

Savannah awoke in a hospital bed.

She wished.

In reality, she was slumped against a cold grey wall, wrists shackled above her head. She had a pounding headache, her wrists burnt as if they were on fire, and worst of all, she had an itch on her nose that she just ... couldn't ... reach.

At least Loki was there, cradling her in his arms, singing blå himmel, and stroking her hair.

She wished.

In cruel reality, she was all alone. Except for the voices. They might have been in her head, but she had no way of telling. There were two, a mechanized male voice, and a sultry female one. Actually, the female one seemed familiar. She was sure she'd heard it before, but she couldn't quite place it. She strained her ears, trying to catch that elusive voice, and then she froze.


It was Amora.

Loki was a light sleeper. But Savannah often moved about in her sleep, or got up to relieve herself. He had eventually gotten used to it, so when her kidnappers had come to kidnap, his subconscious just told him that Savannah had had a lot of orange juice, and he settled back into slumber. His sub-subconscious (gods were pretty amazing), alerted his brain to the fact that part of his body wasn't being warmed by Savannah. Then he shot up, and looked around wildly.

'Savannah? Are you there?'

He could sense something, a silencing spell, one that was oft used when people were being kidnapped by other people who had access to magic. He could smell something too, a faint metallic smell, intermingled with ... with ... paranoia?


And Amora had been particularly adept at silencing spells.

Come to think of it, there was also a lingering smell of persuasion

Doom and Amora were working together, and even worse, they had Savannah.

His Savannah.

He also knew that they hadn't orchestrated the kidnap by themselves, and quite suddenly, his blood froze. He rushed over to the bed, and to his horror, his suspicions were confirmed.

On the bed, lay a single red ribbon, fraying at the edges.

The Snatchers had her.

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