Bathroom Door

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'Why must you always sit on me?'

'Because, Loki, I am a total boss.'

Come to think of it, she did spend a disproportianate amount of time sitting on Loki. But it wasn't her fault. It was as if his body was perfectly moulded to fit her arse. Underneath her, Loki sniggered.

'Stop reading my thoughts, cat,' she grumbled, narrowing her eyes at him.


'Look, it's hard to think up names for people.'

'I see.'

'I'm tired,' she whined, pitifully.

'That is the most interesting thing you've said all day.'

'Shush. I'm going to bed now, avert your eyes.'


'Because, I don't want you to see me naked.'

'Why are you sleeping naked?'

'I'm not.'

'So why are you getting naked?'

'Loki, stop being an idiot. I'm hardly likely to sleep in the same clothes I've been wearing all day, am I?'

'But you've done it before.'

'Yes, but I was tired. And you were cuddling me, and I kind of fell asleep in your arms.'

'Do you know how unbearably sappy that sounded?'

'Yes, of course I do, now. But I've already said it, and you're still looking at me.'

'Why can't I look at you?'

'Because I'm getting undressed.'

'Since when?'

Savannah growled at him, and stalked off to the bathroom, to get changed. She returned a few moments later, to see Loki staring at the door.



'Do you have X-Ray vision?'

'I can see through some objects, yes.'

'Were you looking through the bathroom door?'


Savannah glared at him.

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