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'Why should I tell you?' Amora hissed, 'What have you ever done for me?'

As much as it sickened him to realise, he knew that Amora would not just tell him so easily.

'Amora, tell me, please.'

'I shall not tell you. I shall, however, show you.'

By the end of Amora's projection, Loki's fists were clenched, his eyes were narrowed, his jaw was clamped firmly shut, and there was a tic jumping under his left eye. Furthermore, he was visibly shaking with anger. It was all he could do to restrain himself from ripping off Amora's head there and then. He would have, too, if not for the fact that he needed her information. She'd blocked him from her mind as well.

Amora smiled maliciously, and Loki wondered if he could tear off her face without killing her. Never mind, there was time enough for retribution later. And when she started listing all of the ways in which the toxin would make Savannah suffer once it had fully possessed her mind, Loki started listing all the ways in which he could torture her, as painfully as possible, and as slowly as possible, for as long as possible.

Loki was rather creative when push came to shove, and he had successfully mentally come up with seven ways to make Amora regret existence. Then Amora mentioned her eternal love for Loki, and every single way where she was better than 'your mortal scum', and Loki started contemplating what to do with Amora once he tired of her screams for mercy. Should he kill her, or let her live her life as a shadow, haunted with nightmares? Did she deserve Life? Did she deserve Death?

Then he began a pros-and-cons list of letting her live.


~If he let her live, she would have the same life as the one she had tried to inflict upon Savannah. A life of nightmares, and constant pain. Then when she eventually killed herself, he could get Hela to torture her for the rest of Eternity. If he were to kill her immediately, he would have more blood on his hands. If he let her live, Hela and he would have more time to think up a suitable punishment for her in the Afterworld.


~She didn't deserve Life.

Loki decided to let her live, because she deserved Death even less. And if she was going to die anyway, why not let her suffering go on a little longer. Then he realised that he very rarely got bored of anything. Maybe he'd 'accidentally' torture her to death. He knew that being burnt to death hurt like nobody's business.

Amora was still talking, and he came to the disturbing revelation that he was looking forward to torturing her.

Still, it wasn't as if she didn't deserve it.

She deserved it all, and so much more.

Loki determined to give it to her.

A/N: Did I go overboard with vengeful Loki? Is he scary? Do I laugh like a crazed hippy? Do I think about Tom Hiddleston more often than it is healthy?

The answer to all of the above is yes.

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