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  • Dedicated to Alcohol flavoured alcohol

While Savannah watched her life, and fervently hoped Loki would return soon (What? He made her feel safe), Tony came in. She didn't notice his presence, and it was only when the holographic-magic-screen-thingy in front of her stopped suddenly that she did. She looked up in surprise, and then said-

'Stark? What are you doing in here?'

'In case you've forgotten, I own this place.'

'Still a big-headed, arrogant little shit-face, I see.'

At this, Loki walks in, armed with a steaming bowl of bacon Carbonara, which smells heavenly. Loki says-

'So you remember him, but not me?'

'Oh shush, Laufeyson, we're talking.' Savannah snaps at him. She doesn't mean to sound so ... harsh, but it's stressful. Stressful to be the only person who knows next to nothing about their own life. Their own past. At least, not the recent past.

However, Loki doesn't know this, and so he quietly sets down the tray, and leaves Savannah and Tony to do the talking.

Except, they don't do much talking, and they sit in uncomfortable silence, until Savannah can't take it anymore.

'Stark,' she says, 'Why do you keep looking at me like that?'

'Like what?'

'Like you love me or something. It's creepy.'

'It's complicated,' he says, and turns to leave, before saying, 'Loki's right. You should eat.'

And then he's gone too.

And Savannah is left alone with her self-desructive thoughts once more.

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