Like fur

246 12 19
  • Dedicated to Chocolate

Loki really must be tired, because after Tony's gone, he shuffles around a bit, and then he's sleeping. Savannah smiles down at him, and then frowns.

What if he's awake, and just messing with her? What if he was reading her mind, and knows that she thinks he's like a little god-kitten?

She quickly dismisses the idea as ridiculous, because if Loki knew what was going through her mind, then he would either be throttling her, or be laughing uncontrollably. Come to think of it, mentally calling Loki a god-kitten can't be sensible. What if she does it out loud one day? What if it happens in front of the Avengers? Loki would never, ever forgive her. But it's so hard to not think of him as a little kitten, because he looks so damn vulnerable while he sleeps. Like a little boy, or a, a...


She has run out of adjectives to describe Loki while he sleeps. And while conventionally it would be considered perverted to watch someone sleep, it was just too hard not to.

She starts stroking his hair again, and... wait for it...


Loki's purring again. In fact, Savannah thinks her heart has melted, because she has never felt so warm and gooey inside. Absentmindedly, she runs her fingers through his hair, and it's not greasy at all, just really, really soft.

Like fur.

When she realises what she's doing, she stops, and Loki makes a high-pitched keening sound.


Wait, wasn't Loki a light sleeper?

Surely he should've woken up by now. He's definitely messing with her.

Or is he?

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