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  • Dedicat lui Chimica Brother, for being awesome

 I think you should all listen to Chimica Brother 

A/N: I was watching an interview with Tom Hiddleston and Robert Downey Jr, (Fangirling again) and I said 'They should totally get together. Their babies would be amazing.' I'm an idiot, I know. 


'What is it? Are you injured? Savannah?'

'Chill, Loki, I just have something in my eye.'

She opened the bathroom door, one hand firmly over her left eye.

'What happened?' Loki asked.

'I was just coming out of the shower, and then there was something in my eye.'

Loki tried to ignore the fact that Savannah was wrapped only in a towel. However, it was made even more difficult when she sat on him.

'What are you doing?' he spluttered.

'I need you to see what's in my eye. Anyway, it's not like I haven't done this before.'

'You remember?'

'No, it was in the voodoo-magic-film-thing you showed me.'



'I'm offended.'

'Whatever, just tell me what's in my eye.'

Loki reached up, and gently pulled down her lower eyelid.

'There is a rather large piece of grit.'

'Okay, thanks.'

She got up off of his lap, and walked back towards the bathroom.

'Where are you going?'

'I need to get the little bugger out, don't I?'

'I could do it for you.'

'Yes, you could. I do, however, remember what happened in Stuttgart.'

Loki winced.

'I truly regret my actions then, but I cannot see the relevance of bringing that up.'

'You took out an innocent man's eye. Or don't you remember?'

'I don't remember much of what occured while I was under Thanos' control. It comes in flashbacks.'

'Yeah, well. Whatever.'

'Are you sure you don't want help?'

'Fine. What happened to Thanos, by the way?'

'He killed himself, remember?'

'No. No, I don't.'

'Sorry, I didn't mean to-'

'Yes, yes. Just get it out of my eye.'

Loki cupped a pale hand around her cheek, and with the thumb of his other hand gently stroked underneath her eye. She blinked, and suddenly her eye was grit-free.

'Thanks, Loki.'


'You speak Italian?'

'I've already told you, I speak every language.'

'No you haven't.'

'You probably don't remember.'

Savannah stood up again, and made her way towards the bathroom. She emerged ten minutes later, dressed and as beautiful as ever. (at least, in Loki's eyes) She crossed the room, and sat cross-legged on the bed, directly opposite Loki. They stayed in silence for a while, Savannnah glaring at Loki.

'What?' he protests, ' I promise I wasn't looking at you naked this time.'

Savannah narrowed her eyes at Loki.

'What do you mean, this time?'

'Nothing, I just- err, never mind.'


'Why were you looking at me like that?'

'No reason. Well, it's just that you remind me of a cat.'

To her surprise, Loki starts laughing.

'Stop laughing. I want you to tell me everything I've ever told you.'

'You told me about Nathan and the army, the fire at your school, about the men who kidnapped you, and a basic outline of your life. You also told me about the Terracotta House.'


'I don't know why. I am grateful that you chose to trust me.'

'Have I told you anything else?'

'Once, I asked you what your favourite colours were, and you said blue, purple and silver.'

'But my-'

'I know. You later admitted that you preferred green, black and gold, but that you didn't want me to get a big head.'

'I said that?'

'I believe your exact words were - I don't want your head to get any bigger than it already is.'



'Is there any way I can get my memory back?'

'I don't know. I will do anything in my power to help restore it.'

'Thank you.'

'Savannah, come closer. I want to try something.'



'You come here, I feel lazy.'


Loki got Savannah to lie on her back, and made her close her eyes. Then he lightly pressed two long fingers to each of her temples, and sent a pulse of his magic into her mind.She gasped in shock, and Loki stopped abruptly stopped.

'I'm so, so sorry,' he said, 'Are you badly injured?'

'Loki, I'm fine, I was just surprised.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes. But I'm don't know if this will work. Amora said there was no antidote.'

'Well, she underestimated the power of a determined god.'

He started again, and this time, Savannah was able to stay silent. Actually, it was probably because she had fallen asleep. After a while, Loki realised, and he chuckled softly, before smoothing out her hair, and lying next to her.

And if, during the night, he pulled her into a protective hold , who's to tell?

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