Battle Roar

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Savannah awoke to a primal roar, and then a horrible noise, that sounded like technology being crushed. In fact, it was technology being crushed. And she recognised the roar too, it was Thor's battle-cry.

She stumbled downstairs, not noticing the empty space in her bed, and into the kitchen. There, lurked a sight one should never have to see at three o'clock in the morning -Thor, brandishing Mjolnir. And worse still, he was surrounded by the remains of what used to be the toaster.

'What happened?' she asked, although she had already made a guess. It was uncannily accurate.

'I was caught unawares.' he said sheepishly.

 Savannah frowned at Thor, pursing her lips. (She'd really been looking forward to Nutella with toast for breakfast)

'That's the third toaster this month, Thor.'

'I apologize.'

Savannah opened her mouth to respond, but was distracted by the sight of Tony, clad only in boxers, shuffling wearily into the kitchen.

'Heard a bang,' he mumbled, 'What happened?'

'Thor thought the toaster was ambushing him, and smote it with his godly powers. Again.'

'Seriously?' Tony groaned, 'Again?'

'That's what I said, Tony.'

Thor only looked even more sheepish (How was that possible?), and muttered an apology again.

'What are you even doing up now, Thor?'

'I was unable to sleep.'

Savannah sighed. 'I'll fix you a hot-chocolate, and then you will go to bed, okay?'

'Yes, Lady 'Vannah.'

'It's Savannah, Sav or 'Vannah. No one calls me Lady 'Vannah.'

'Are you implying that I am a no-one?'

'I've had this same conversation with your brother, y'know.'

At the mention of Loki, Tony froze. Savannah ignored it, though, bustling around the kitchen for the appropriate ingredients. She set down five mugs, and Thor furrowed his eyebrows in consternation.

'Lady 'Vannah, there are only four of us.'

Savannah glared at him, for calling her it again, but did not mention it, instead pointing out-

'If you woke me, you woke Loki, who is a much lighter sleeper. He'll be pissed if he finds I haven't made hot-chocolate for him too, even though he can make amazing cups with his magic.'

Tony then hurriedly unfroze, (thawed?), and just as hurriedly, hurried out, clutching his mug close to his chest.

Savannah narrowed her eyes in suspicion, but set a mug next to Thor, and carried two identical mugs back upstairs.

'Loki,' she called, 'I made you hot-chocolate.'

But when there was no reply, Savannah got worried. So she used her womanly powers of deduction, and went to harrass Tony.


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