Please wake up

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  • Dedicated to Remembering to breathe.

That morning, Loki wouldn't wake up. Savannah was getting more and more worried, and she was about to call for help, when he groaned and turned over.

'Loki,' she said, 'Loki, please wake up.'

He cracked open an eye, and glared blearily at her.

'What is it?' he muttered.

'Nothing, it's just ... nothing, don't worry,' she mumbled, feeling incredibly sheepish.

'Well now you've woken me, the least you could do is tell me why.'

'You weren't breathing.'


 'I woke up because of a bad dream, and I wanted a cuddle. So I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't move. And then I realised you weren't breathing.'

'It's alright, I'm fine, see?'

'Yes, yes I know that now, but you weren't breathing, and then I remembered when you got hit by that love-spell, and you weren't breathing. And then I panicked.'

'You remember that?'

'Yes, of course I do. It was the single most stressful thing that had ever happened to me.'

'That's sweet, but what I mean is that you remember.'

'Oh, Loki, thank you.'

'It is quite alright, but you must let me sleep.'

'Right, sorry.'

'And if I stop breathing again, wait ten minutes, and then call for Thor.'


And then they slept 'til 'twas noon.

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