The Answer

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  • Dedicated to You!

Tony had left soon after, and Savannah turned to Loki curiously.

'Why doesn't Tony like you?'

'I threw him out of a window.'

'You brainwashed Clint, and he gets along with you.'

'Yes, but Stark is stubborn.'

'Hmm,' Savannah said, 'He reminds me of someone I know.'

'If you are referring to me, I am sure that there is some homeless person who deserves these roast potatoes more than you.'

'Wait!' Savannah said, 'Can't you make both of us potatoes?'

'No. I am very busy.'

Through a mouthful of potatoes, (which were the perfect temperature) Savannah asked-

'What are you doing in your bedroom?'

'Don't talk with food in your mouth.'

Savannah swallowed her food, and repeated her question.

'What are you doing in your bedroom?'

'I'm looking for alternatives.'

'For what?'

'The mirrored shield.'

'But we don't need an alternative.'

'We do.'

'We don't.'

Loki sighed.

'I'd rather not argue with you any more today.'

'I don't like arguing with you either.'

'Then why are you always so argumentative?'

'I'm not argumentative.'

'You are arguing with me, right now.'

'No I'm not ... Oh, right, I am. Sorry.'



'What do we have to do to make the antidote, once we have the ingredients?'

'I think we have to burn them,' she said.

'You think?'

'Yes. I think. My memory's getting worse.'



'Is that it? Just burn them?'

'And then I have to put the ash in a bag under my pillow for three days.'

'I would have thought it would be harder than that.'

'It is.'

'What do you mean?'

'The mirrored shield, remember?'

'I shall find a substitute. There is no way that I am going to let you take such a risk.'

'I don't think I can be the shield, anyway. Ravennha's pretty resilient to fire.'

'Actually, all we'd need would be the mirror in which your reflection appeared.'

'So it doesn't have to still be reflected?'

'No. As long as it showed once.'

'How do you know all of this?'

'I found a little whilst reading over my old notes.'

'Cool. I'm tired.'

'You are telling me this, because?'

'Whoever taught you sarcasm needs to be punished.'

'Savannah, I came up with sarcasm.'



'I don't believe you.'

'You never believe me.'

'True. Can we go to bed now?'

'Of course.'

Seven hours later, Savannah awoke from a dream, and sat bolt upright. She turned to the sleeping form next to her, and shook him awake.

'Loki,' she said, urgently, 'Loki, wake up.'

'What?' he asked, 'I know I was breathing this time.'

'But I've got it!'

'Got what?' he mumbled, still sleepy.

'The answer! I know the answer!'

'To what?' Loki asked, slightly exasperated by now.'

'I've got it!'

Savannah was too excited to answer Loki's questions coherently, and by the time she had calmed down a little, Loki was fully awake.

'Now, for the last time, what is it?'

'I know the solution to all of our problems,' she sang, happily.

It was too early in the morning to be happy.

'Tell me, then.'

'You'll never guess.'

'No, I won't. Which is why you need to tell me.'

'I know!'

'Know what?' Loki was pissed off now.

'The answer, silly!'

'Tell me the answer, or I go back to sleep.'

'No! Don't go to sleep! This is too important!'

'Then tell me.'

'Oh my goodness!'

'Savannah...' Loki said, threateningly.

'Oh! Right! Yes! I was supposed to tell you the answer, wasn't I?'


'I've forgotten.'

Loki growled.

'Joking, Loki. I'm joking. Chill out.'

'Are you going to tell me, or not?'

'Tell you what?'

'Why you thought it appropriate to wake me at three fifty-six in the morning, babbling nonsense about answers, and solutions.'

'Oh yes! I figured it out!'

'Figured what out?' Loki's voice had gone dangerously low.

'The answer.'

'The answer to what?'

'The question.'

'Good night, Savannah.'

'Wait! Don't go to sleep, I haven't told you yet.'

'Then tell me.'

'I've worked it out.'

'Worked what out?' As much as he loved Savannah, Loki was seriously considering throwing her out of a window, too.

'I've worked out the answer to it!' She knew she wasn't making sense, but she was just so ... happy.

'To what?'

'Medusa's mirror.'

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