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A/N: Listening to foreign music, pretending I understand the lyrics. For all I know, it could be rhyming instructions on how to butcher puppies. (I like puppies)

Quote: People who say you can't have your cake and eat it clearly don't understand the purpose of cake.

Anthony Edward Stark,' Savannah declared, bursting into his workshop, 'You are in deep shit.'

Tony winced. He'd already known that he was in trouble, as soon as Savannah had called him by his full name.

'What did I do this time?' he muttered, although he was pretty sure he knew what.

'Where is he?'


'You know, stop being such a quim!' she snapped.

'Quim? Who even says quim anymore, apart from Loki?'

'Tell me where Loki is, and I will spare you.'

Tony was taken aback (of course he was), but his usual snarky, sarky, simply Starky demeanour soon returned.

'If snarky, starky, and simply Starky mean amazingly thick-headed wankishness, then yes.'

'Two things. First, wankishness is not a word. Second, how did you know what I was thinking?'

'I can read minds.'

'So Loki wasn't lying when he said that you...' Tony trailed off, mostly due to the fact that Savannah was glaring at him as if he'd just said that burning kittens and puppies, while drunk, was his favourite pastime.

'When were you talking to Loki? You two avoid each other like the Bubonic, unless I'm there.'

'I, uh, I ... erm, I, well, he ... um ...'

'Spit it out, Stark.'

Tony flinched, and started shifting his weight between each foot. When he said nothing, Savannah narrowed her eyes at him again, and then smiled. (Well, it was more of a vicious grin, with far too much teeth, but anyway ...)

'Tony, my dear, if you don't tell me what you've done, I will wrench it from your mind, and it will hurt.'

'But you just read my mind without it hurting.'

'Yes, but I've decided I don't like you anymore.'


'Because you keep changing the subject. I will ask you one more time, before I resort to pain. Where is Loki?'

'He read my mind, and now he's gone to kill Amora.'

'Shit!' Savannah said, and teleported the hell out of there, leaving behind Tony, who had a suspicious wet patch spreading on the front of his jeans.


An angry Savannah was scary.

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