Itty-bitty Sack of Kitties

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  • Dedicated to Bruce Banner

Savannah leans forward, straining to hear the words that Loki is mumbling. He turns onto his back, head still on her lap, screws up his face, and sneezes. It is singularly the most cat-like thing he's ever done. More so than the purring, or the snuffling, or anything.

The sound brings back old memories. She had rescued other cats, before Loki. Some of them she'd been able to nurse back to health, and find homes for. Others were more... unlucky.

One of her favourite cats, Tallulah, had been drowned. It upset her more than she could understand, and she hadn't spoken about it to anyone. They'd made her watch, too. Tied her to a chair, and drowned her own cat in front of her.

Savannah sighed. She'd been through a lot, but she had emerged mostly unscathed. Yes, there were a few battle-scars, but they made her who she was. And it was worth it, in the end, for all of this.

She lived in a skyscraper, with her own floor, and several trust-worthy friends, and a best friend, who listened. A best friend who didn't enlist in the army when shit hit the fan. A good friend. And she was in love.

That was good, right?

Even if it was unrequited.

Anyway, the Norse god with the mind of an adorable sack of itty-bitty kitties has just woken up. And he's looking at her funny.

'The Norse god with the mind of an adorable sack of itty-bitty kitties?'

Now it's Savannah's turn to blush.

'You tell no-one, understand?'

'What, that you think I'm a sex-god?'

'No, that I think you are a sweet little purr machine.'

'Why would I tell anyone that?'

'To upset Tony.'

Loki smiled wickedly, 'The thought never crossed my mind for a second.'

'Loki, if anyone finds out, I shall conduct an experiment to discover whether or not gods are resistant to having their appendages burnt off.'

Loki gulps, turns pale, but then says, 'No one would let you.'

'Tony would. And anyway, it'd be in the name of science, and revenge.'

'You scare me.'

'Is that a compliment?'

'If I said no, would you beat me up?'


'Then yes.'

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