I hate you

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'It isn't that bad.'

'You're right. It's worse.'

'Stop exaggerating.'

'Can't you just go without me?'

'No. I don't feel safe leaving you on your own.'

'I'm in a skyscraper, populated by superheroes, and an AI system that sees all. I'll be fine.'

'They got through before.'

'But I don't want to go. I don't like it.'

'Are you always so immature?'

'Yes. Clearly I'm too immature and irresponsible to bring with you. What if I offend someone with my ignorance?'

'You're coming. Like it or not.'

'Fuck you,' she snapped, 'I really don't think I can take any more of suddenly ceasing to exist.'

'Savannah, you have to come.'

'Like hell I do!' she said, getting worked up, 'Go fuck yourself!'

However, Loki did not follow her instructions, but instead gripped tightly onto her wrist.

And Savannah wasn't Savannah, anymore. In fact, she wasn't anyone, for a few horrifying seconds. And then Ravennha was.

And Ravennha launched herself at Loki, biting, and scratching, and screaming. In the end, Loki was forced to use magic to restrain her. She still hissed at him, and spat at him, but she couldn't get closer than three feet.

'I hate you,' she screamed, regressing into Savannah, before going to vomit in a nearby crater.

Loki hurriedly released her from the enchantment, and teleported next to her. She tried to push him into the puddle of rancid sick, and, when that didn't work, vomited directly onto him.

'Eeergh,' he said, and Savannah hit him upside the head, before emptying the contents of her stomach onto his boots.

He stepped back, and she continued being sick everywhere, before finally coughing up blood. He moved closer again, and Savannah turned to look at him wearily.

'I fucking hate you,' she repeated, but this time her voice was far weaker than before.

 And then she was sick a little more. Eventually, she had nothing left to give, as it were, and she staggered back a few steps, and collided with Loki, who had removed the spatters of vomit by now. He pulled her up, and leaned her against him. She pushed him away though, and the effort started her coughing, and soon, dry retching.

'Savannah?' Loki asked, 'Are you alright?'

'What do you think?' she said, viciously.

'Here,' he said, and reached out, weaving a spell to help her sickness.

She moaned a little, and fell back onto him again. He got her into a sitting position, and she rested her head on his shoulder. He stroked her hair, placatingly.

'Better?' he asked.

She nodded, and then opened her mouth.

'Never do that again, you little shit.'

'I did not realise the ... adverse effects that it would cause. I am sorry.'

'So am I. Where are we, anyway?'



It was Loki's turn to nod.

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