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'Tell me about your apples.'


'Idunn's apples. Tell me about them.'

'What do you want to know?'


'Well, if you ask me questions, I shall try my best to avoid answering them.'

'Right. For that, I'm going to sit on you.'

And she did.

'Fine, I'll tell you, just get off of me.'


Loki groaned.

'You're hurting me.'


'Well, what do you exp-'

'The truth. Always the truth. Nothing but the truth, the whole truth, etc.'


'Because I trust you, and I expect it to be reciprocated.'

'What is your first question?'


'On Idunn's apples.' Loki explained, patiently.

'Do they really grant you guys immortality?'

'No, it's just a metaphor. They have a rather pleasant taste, though.'

'What do they taste of?'

'It's difficult to put into words, but to me, it tastes of green.'


'Yes, like life, and breathing and nature, and grass, and trees, and blue skies, and leaves, and branches gently swaying in the breeze.'

'I think you did a pretty good job of explaining it.'

'Simply words are not sufficient to describe the taste of them.'

'Are they that good?'


'Can a mortal touch them?'

'Yes. But to touch them would grant you temporary invinciblity.'

'What would eating one do?'

'For a mortal?'


'You would become a god.'

'Or goddess?'


'But you said they didn't grant immortality.'

'They do, but just not to us.'

'Do the apples have healing properties?'


'What does she look like?'


'Idunn, of course.'

'How was I supposed to know you meant that?'


'It depends on what time it is.'


'In the morning, she appears as a child, at noon, a teenager, in the afternoon, a young adult, and in the evening, she looks like a thirty year old Midgardian.'

'And at night?'

'At night, she turns grey, and old.'

'Is she beautiful?'


'Tell me about the myth to do with Thjazi.'

'That's another story.'

'I'll sit on you harder.'

'Is that possible?'

'You better hope it's not.'

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