Silent Tears

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When Savannah woke up that morning, she was in a firm hold, encased in a pair of pale, strong arms. She rolled over, and came face to face with a Norse god. The position they were in was quite comfortable, and it felt strangely familiar.

Maybe the Liesmith was telling the truth?

She brushed that thought aside, and took in the features of Loki's face. Absent-mindedly, she reached out a finger, and delicately traced around his sharp cheekbones. Then she carefully stretched up, and ran a tentative hand through his hair. He made a strange purring sound, and she hurriedly her hand, startled.

She frowned, and then shook him awake.

'Loki? Loki, wake up!'

He shot upright, and looked around wildly.

'What is wrong? Are you injured?'


'Then what is it?'

'What are you doing on Earth?'

'Do you mean what on Earth are you doing?'


'The All-Father sent me here as punishment for what I have done to Midgard.'


'It is the term the Aesir use when referring to Earth.'

'Can you read minds?'

'Yes. I am better at sensing emotions, though.'

'Will you read mind, and tell me what you see? I can't remember anymore.'

'I can show you.'

As Savannah re-watched her life unfold, she didn't notice Loki gradually edging closer. She also didn't notice silent tears streaming down her cheeks, until, once again, Loki reached out, and gently wiped them away. This time, she didn't lean into his touch, and instead slapped his hand away.

Never before had Savannah seen a more hurt look as she did on Loki's.

'Stop,' she said, 'I've already seen this. My last full memory is of the phone ringing, and Fury telling me you had arrived. After that, there are only a few, fractured memories. Why can't I remember?'

'Amora did something to you. It caused you to lose all recollection of your good memories after a certain point.'

'Will you show me what happened while I lived at Stark Tower?'

'As you wish. If you need me, I will be downstairs.'

'Wait,' Savannah said. She didn't want to be left alone ever again, even if it meant trusting Loki.

'Don't go.'

'I will be back soon. If you need me, call for me.'

'Why are you leaving me?' Why did she sound so desperate?

'I have to make you something to eat.'

'I'm not hungry.'

'You still need to eat.'

'Can't you use magic or something? I don't want you to go.' Even to her own ears, Savannah's voice seemed pitifully whiney.

'I shall return soon.'

'Please. Stay. I- I need you.'

But Loki had already left.

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