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Loki lay on his bed, face first in his pillows. He fervently hoped that Savannah thought that he was sulking, just so that she would leave him alone. Normally, he loved being in Savannah's company (and Savannah herself).

Not now, though.

Now, he needed to study. With a wave of his arm, he conjured up every spell book he had ever read. He sorted them into two piles-the reliably accurate, and the unreliably innacurate. Then he started reading, more feverishly than he had ever done before.

There had to be an alternative solution.

There had to be another way. Any way, any way at all, as long as it wasn't the one that Savannah had suggested. Despite the sheer number of books that there were, Loki was more determined than he had ever been, and finished in five hours. He stood up, and stretched slowly. He was slightly disappointed that he hadn't found anything, but he still had hope.

He made his way towards Savannah's bedroom, still unsure of what to say to her. But when he knocked on her door, there was no answer from the other side. He knocked again, but he could hear nothing. He opened the door, and after a brief search concluded that Savannah was downstairs.

She was, in the kitchen, and Loki lingered for a while by the doorway. He didn't mean to overhear the conversation between Savannah and Tony, but he was glad that he did.

'I haven't had Chinese food since Loki arrived, you know.'

'We could order a takeaway.'

'Nah,' she said, 'It's not the same. Or potatoes.'


'I haven't had any roast potatoes in ages.'

'I could make some.'

'How crispy do you make them? I would do anything for good roast potatoes.'

'Are you a potato girl?'

'Yep,' she said proudly, 'In fact, if anyone could make a roast potato that had a crispy inside, I would happily marry them.'

'Just for their potatoes?'

'Just for their potatoes.'

'No matter what they were like?'

'They could be the smelliest, ugliest, rudest, most sexist person ever. They could have curly blonde back hair, and questionable hygiene. They could be homophobic, illiterate, and ignorant. They could be short, and racist, and lazy, and stupid, but at least I'd have my potatoes to keep me happy.'

'Surely curly black back hair is the worst.'

'No, I'm not a blonde girl. I prefer the tall, dark and handsome type,' Savannah said, and a thought of Loki floated into her mind, entirely unbidden.

'So you'd seriously marry a sexist and racist homophobe, just for the potatoes?'

'Okay, when you put it like that...'

'What is it with you and food?'

'Are you calling me fat, Tony?'


'So what do you mean?'

'I mean, you have just said that you would potentially marry someone who could make the perfect potatoes.'

'Yes, and?'

'Marry? Seriously?'

'I don't see a problem with that.'

'We've just had an entire conversation about what you would do for roast potatoes,' Tony said, sounding incredulous.

'It was hypothetical,' Savannah said, trying to defend herself.

'Still, what if Doom could make the most amazing crumpets, from scratch, with homemade lemon curd? What if, while we were battling, he offered you a steaming plate of pork chops with roast potatoes? Would you join the dark side?'

'It depends.'

'On what?'

'Do they have cookies?'

'Savannah, this is serious. What would you do?'

'I'd go invisible, and steal them,' Savannah said.


'No. I'd try my best to ignore them.'

'What if the pork chops were topped with freshly grated Parmesan?'

Savannah hesitated.

'You'd stop me, right? You wouldn't let me go to get the food?'

'I don't know, Savannah.'

'Some friend you are.'

'No, I mean that you would get there before me, because you can teleport. And, you're stronger than me, with or without the suit.'

'Well, then let's just hope that it stays hypothetical.'

'Are you telling me that your weakness is food?'

'Yes, it is. But it's not so extreme that I would go and join Doom, even if his potatoes are the best in existence.'

'Are you sure?' Tony asked.

'Are you short?'

'I'm not short.'

'In comparison to me, Thor and Loki, you are.'

'Not fair. Thor and Loki are both gods.'

'And don't forget it,' interjected Loki, walking into the kitchen. Savannah turned to Loki.

'Loki, can you make me some roast potatoes, please?'

'I can. I must warn you, though- mine are rather crispy,' Loki said.

The look of glee on Savannah's face was worth more than the Nine Realms.

A/N: I hate this chapter, but I don't know why. I need feedback.

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