While Sober

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She decides that she really can't give a flying fuck whether or not he's trying to trick her, and anyway, if he's letting her stroke him like that, she definitely won't look the gift horse in the mouth. He's purring really loudly now, and Savannah is struggling not to call Natasha in. Natasha would love this, she thinks, because despite her general attitude of badassery, Savannah has caught her looking up 'Talking Puppies ' on Youtube several times.

He makes a sort of whimpery whiney sound, and curls in on himself. So she reaches out, and briefly rubs between his shoulder blades again. He untenses, and then recurls himself, this time around Savannah's torso.


She really needs to stop thinking that. So, to distract herself from the strangely sexy god-kitten currently wrapped around her, she starts to think of Tony.


They'd had a really vicious argument the other day, and both of them had said things they regretted. She was pretty sure that Tony was drunk, even though no one had seen him near any alcohol, and he didn't have an alcoholic smell. She was sure he was drunk, because he had said a lot of things that he would never say while sober.

Things like saying sorry, asking for her forgiveness. He wasn't using any of his ... questionable ... chat lines, but he did ask her to go on a date with him. And then he asked her to marry him. He had asked her to stay away from Loki. He said that he needed her. In fact he said a lot of strange things. Things like ... like ...

Things like, I love you.

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