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  • Dedicated to Making random shit up.

Out of the ashes, the twisted, mangled forms of what once was metallic beauty rose a solitary shape. Long, intensely black hair wafted in a non-existent draught, and dark eyes, with no whites visible seemed to look everywhere, and nowhere all at once. It had a name. It- She, was Fyrekyndr. And Fyrekyndr had wings. Great, flaming protrusions, magnificent and fear instilling. Yet Fyrekyndr was afraid. Afraid and alone.

'Savannah? Savannah?'

A familiar voice was calling her, but not quite Her. The owner of the voice entered, a tall, handsome dark haired man, with brilliant green eyes that spoke of centuries he couldn't have seen. The man had a name, too. But She just ... couldn't ... remember. He stepped forward, and She raised a hand to stop him, fearing for his safety. The flames- they were Her friends, but they might hurt him. He still came closer, and She floated serenely to the floor. And then She fell. Savannah's body could just support Ravennha, but because of Ravennha's immense power, she was always weakened afterwards. But Fyrekyndr... Fyrekyndr was infinite. 

Infinite power.

And her body couldn't take it. And the flames spluttered, once, twice, and then died. She fell into the man's arms, and then the darkness stole Her soul.

A/N: Complicated- I know. Any capital pronouns are Fyrekyndr. Ravennha is powerful, Fyrekyndr is basically the Tesseract personified.

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