My Decision

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A/N: Okay, I was slightly disappointed that you people guessed it so quickly. (Am I that bad at suspense?) Either way, you guys are geniuses (Is that a word?). Kearabee guessed it first, so she (I assume you're female) gets the chapters. However, NYCgirl106 guessed it a mere nine hours later, so if I continue that far, she (again, I assume you are, in fact, female) gets three chapters. If you haven't guessed yet, don't go back and read the comments from the last chapter, it kinda ruins the effect. I won't tell you immediately, for the same reason.

DAMN, this is the most serious A/N I've ever written. Let's lighten the mood- SAUSAGES.

Okay people, Let's Do This.

'Loki, it's my decision.'

'I won't let you.'

'You're not the boss of me,' Savannah said, although she wished that it hadn't come out sounding so childish.

'Savannah, please.'

'Please, what? It's my choice, not yours.'

'Savannah, I don't particularly enjoy arguing with you. Can we not talk about this later?'

'What is there to talk about?'

'Savannah, I don't want you to do this.'

'I don't want to do it either. What other option is there?'

'There has to be another way.'

'I don't think there is, Loki. And even if there were, we wouldn't have time to find it.'

'I'll make time.'

'God, Loki, why do you have to be so damn stubborn?'

'You are the stubborn one. Just stop being so selfish.'

'How am I the selfish one?'

'Savannah, can't you see that you're putting yourself at risk?'

'And how is that being selfish?'

'Because you don't seem to realise that we all care about you. We will all get hurt if you do.'



'From the God of Lies? Impossible.'

Savannah tried to ignore the hurt look on Loki's face, but it was incredibly hard not to feel as if she'd just stabbed him in the back.

'Sorry, Loki, I didn't mean that. You're right. Not about the shield, but that we should talk about this later.'

'I suppose that that would be best. Now, for the Yeti.'

'Where are we going?'


'Good. Because I miss crumpets.'

'We had them this morning.'

'That was hours ago. I need hot chocolate.'

'If you wanted hot chocolate, you could have just asked. I can make you a cup.'

'How? Do they have hot chocolate in the other Realms, too?'

'No. But I have magic.'

'Can't you make me magic crumpets, then?'

'I could. First, we get our last ingredient.'

'You're no fun,' Savannah muttered.

'What was that?' Loki asked.

'Nothing, dear.'

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