Mostly guilt

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Okay, maybe Savannah did feel a little regret. But only a little.

 She'd channelled all of her feelings into that punch, all of her regret, and unshed tears. All of her wrongs, her betrayals, every time she'd felt bad, or alone. Any time she wished she'd spoken up for herself, every time she'd been beaten into the dirt as if she didn't matter. Every time someone had made her feel less than perfect, all of her fears, her nightmares. Every single time she'd hated herself, called herself a monster, put herself down so that no-one else could. All of her hatred, all of her angers, all of her injustices. She'd punched him so hard that she felt bone.

And it felt good.

Poor Loki. He probably deserved it, for hurting her feelings, but she'd given him all she had, and right now, she felt incredibly guilty.

There was regret, too, but mostly guilt.

Maybe she should see if he was okay.

If he was, she'd punch him until he wasn't, and if he wasn't, she'd nurse him until he was.

It was logical, and made perfect sense.

It made sense when she thought it, anyway.

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