If he had seen ...

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A/N: MUST ... HAVE ... MORE ... TRAILEEEEEEEERZ. Is it normal to have watched the same thing five times in a row? Even if it has Tom Hiddleston in it? Well, tough 'cos I did.

But, of course, Loki wouldn't let her. He said that it would be safer to go to bed at a normal ime, instead of three o'clock in the afternoon, in case the spell required normal sleeping patterns. She opened her mouth to argue, but her stomach beat her to it, grumbling loudly in protest at the lack of food.

'Stay put,' Loki said, 'I'm going downstairs to get you some food, but I'll be back up soon.'

Then he turned to leave the room, telling JARVIS to alert him if Savannah was ill again.

'Loki,' Savannah moaned, 'I'm not hungry. My stomach just hates me.'

'You should eat, all the same.'

'No. If I eat, I'll probably be sick, and I'd rather starve to death than have to bend over a toilet bowl heaving up my insides ever again.'

'Savannah, please, just a lit-'

'No. You can't make me.'

Loki gritted his teeth. Why did she have to be so stubborn all the time?

'I will force you to eat, if need be.'

Then, because he turned and stalked angrily out of the room, he didn't see the terrified look flash across Savannah's face. He didn't see the way she shivered involuntarily, or the way she curled up her body, gripping her knees tightly.

Maybe if he had, he would have stayed, comforted her, tried to understand what could have caused such a reaction.

But he hadn't seen.

Only teachers had eyes in the back of their heads.

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