I remember ...

193 13 0
  • Dedicated to Green Eggs and Ham

'Tell me about yourself.' Loki says to Amora's ex-hostage.

'I can't remember anything.'

'Nothing at all?'

'A little.'

'Tell me.'

'Why should I?'

'I want to know how much damage Amora has done.'


'Because, before all of this happened, we were good friends.'


'I would never- could never- lie to you.'

'Of course you wouldn't, you being the God of Honesty, and all that.'

'I'm not like that anymore.'

'Why not?'

'Someone told me - showed me - how to be a better person.'


'You. You did.'

'I don't believe you.'

'Then I am sorry.'

'You should be.'

'Savannah, please tell me what you remember.'

'I remember a spell that Amora cast. It went wrong, and you fell in love with Tony. And then you broke my heart. I told you I loved you, y'know, and you didn't even answer. You let Thanos stab me, and break my leg. You let me be tortured at the hands of Amora. This is what I remember.'

'You told me you loved me?'

'Yes. And?'

'Can I ask you something? Two somethings, actually, since I've just asked if I could ask- sorry, I digress.'

'You do, and you can.'

'Can what?'

'Ask me something.'

'Do you still love me?'


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