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  • Dedicated to Inappropriate Jokes.

Loki and Ravennha were fighting again. Fear not, they weren't fighting each other, just giant crabs.

Up until the end of the battle, the worst thing that had happened was Tony's inappropriate crabs jokes. And then, like it always seemed to, disaster struck.

Ravennha had her back turned, and therefore couldn't see the massive king crab scuttling towards her. By the time she did, she was in a fierce pincer hold, which she could feel steadily slicing her in two.

'Loki,' she screamed. She was already struggling to breathe, and she could taste blood at the back of her throat.

The pincers tightened, and black spots danced in front of her eyes. She could feel herself shrinking, and gradually reverting back into Savannah. She tried her best to hold on, but it was ... just ... so ... hard.

She knew that if she were to become Savannah, the crab would crush her instantly. But it was getting more and more difficult not to change.

Where was Loki?


He whirled around, and froze.

'Loki,' she coughed. 'Help.'

Suddenly, he regained his wits, and fired a green blast at the crab. It disintegrated, and Ravennha fell to the floor.

He teleported to her side, lifted her over his shoulder and teleported them both to their room.

Or he attempted to, anyway.

It was hardly his fault his magic failed.

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