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'Are you ready?' Loki asked.

'As I'll ever be,' she replied.

She reached over, and grasped his hand tightly. Then she closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was standing on soft white sand. The pervasive salty tang, distinctive to sea air filled her nostrils, and she breathed in deeply. It had been so long since she'd been on a beach. She looked over to Loki.

'What do we do now?' she asked.

'We wait.'

'Just wait? How will he know we're here? Does he have magic, too? Where are we?' Savannah was far too excited to only ask one question at a time. Loki chuckled, and then said-

'Let's see. Yes, we just wait, he will know we are here because of his magic. I taught all of my children magic, and we are somewhere near Stark's Malibu residence.'


'Do people of your age still say 'cool' ?' 

'I do.'

'I see.'

'I wait.'


'I thought we were doing 'I, followed by a verb'.'

'No, we are not.'

'Fine,' she said, muttering under her breath, 'Spoilsport.'

Loki was about to say something (probably witty) back to her, when the seemingly interminable expanse of water in front of them exploded. Savannah was thoroughly soaked by the sudden onslaught of waves, which knocked her to the ground, whilst Loki simply stepped out of the way. He then bent over her, offering a hand to help her up. She snarled at him, and pulled him down next to her, and started splashing him.

'Stop,' he said, 'You're getting me wet.'

'Really?' she said, laying on the sarcasm as thickly as strawberry jam, 'So that's what you call it when you get covered in water.'

Loki scowled at her, and she giggled happily.

'It's beautiful here, isn't it?' she said, resting her head on Loki's (strangely comfortable) shoulder. He reached up, and gently stroked her hair.

Caught up in their own little world, they didn't notice Jörmungandr watching them from the water. That is, until he snorted to announce his presence. Savannah's head whipped up in shock, and she scrambled back a few feet, before realising who it was, and returning to Loki's side, albeit a little sheepishly.

'Hello son,' said Loki, 'This is Savannah. Savannah, Jörmungandr. Jörmungandr, Savannah.'

'Hi, Jörmungandr,' Savannah said, suddenly feeling very shy. Loki looked at her in surprise.

'What?' she mumbled, 'Did I do something wrong?'

'No, it's just- nothing.'

'Tell me.'

'You pronounced Jörmungandr's name correctly on your first try.

'Was I not supposed to?'

'No, except no-one else has ever managed to do that.'

'Well, I am amazing.'

'Yes, you are,' Loki said. Jörmungandr snorted again, this time in approval. Then Loki turned to address his son.

'Jörmungandr,' he said, 'It's been a long time since I've last seen you. Sorry, I was busy taking over the world.'

'You wish,' said Savannah.Loki chuckled again, and then proceeded to talk to his son. They had a lengthy conversation, in which Jörmungandr didn't seem to actually say anything. Nevertheless, it looked as if they were communicating perfectly. Eventually, Loki said-

'Jörmungandr, we need one of your scales.'

Jörmungandr nodded his great head, and then suddenly, there was a giant green scale, the size of a surf-board, at Savannah's feet.

'Thanks,' she said, leaning closer to inspect it. Then she looked up, eyes full of awe.

'It's beautiful, Loki, look.'

'I've seen them before, you know.'

'Yes, but just look.'

Loki bent forward, and after a few seconds he looked up.

'You gave her one of your special scales,' he said, 'You like her already?'

Jörmungandr nodded, and snorted, playfully spurting water at his father, and then, with a great splash, disappeared.

Then they were back in Loki's bedroom, dripping salt water over the expensive fur carpets.

'Loki, do you mind if I take a shower? I need to change out of these clothes.'

'Of course,' he said.

When she emerged from the bathroom, Loki was pretending that he hadn't been trying to see her naked. He was failing.



'What are Jörmungandr's special scales?'

'They are one of the first enchantments that he cast. He used to use them for protection, but now that his magic has evolved, he doesn't need them anymore. They are still precious to him, though, and he rarely gives them to anyone.'

'So why did he give them to me?'

'Because he likes you.'




'You need a better vocabulary.'

'Shut up, you.'


Savannah threw her towel at him. (Luckily, she was wearing clothes underneath) He dodged, and her towel went flying past his (annoyingly smug) head, and landed in a heap in front of the door.

'What's next on the list?'

'A lock of a mermaid's hair.'


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