Watch me sleep

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'Ow! That hurt, Savannah!'

'Did it?'

'No. But it could have.'

'Oh shut up.'

'Well I never! And after all I've done for you!' Loki said, feigning hurt.

Savannah hit him again, and then rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes, and snuggling closer, getting ready to fall asleep again.

'Eeergh!' Loki said, 'Get off of me. You dribble in your sleep.'



'You watch me in my sleep!'

'I don't.'

'You do. I saw you!'

'How? You were sleeping.'

'Aha! You admit to it!'

'I do not watch you sleep!'

'So then why are you blushing?'

'I do what I want!'

'Like watching me sleep.'

'For the last time, I do not watch you-'

'Yeah, right! I know you do.'

'I don't.'


Yes Miss Winters?

'Does Loki watch me sleep?'

He does, ma'am.

'What a freak!' Savannah said, and shook her head disapprovingly at Loki, who, by now, had turned a rather attractive shade of red.

'JARVIS is broken,' Loki said, attempting to save face.

I assure you I am not, Mr Laufeyson.

Loki winced, and Savannah frowned at the ceiling.

'JARVIS, just call him Loki, okay?'

I am afraid that Mr. Stark has said-

'Excuse me for a second,' Savannah said, cutting JARVIS off.

'Where are you going?' Loki asked.

'To go beat a certain member of this house-hold up.'

'Well, don't let me stop you.'

A few minutes later, Loki heard an agonized howl coming from the general direction of Tony's penthouse, and he chuckled.

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