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  • Didedikasikan kepada Really bad Paronamasia (Puns)

A/N: Because I am a jet-lagged idiot, I forgot to publish She Wished, which is the 21st part of Autumn Leaves.

Loki was fretting.

(Yes, I'm fully aware that I've already mentioned it, but - dramatic emphasis, and all that)

Loki was fretting.

 Loki didn't fret.

It just didn't suit him. In fact, it didn't suit him so much that there was a joke that the royal servants used to tell each other back in Asgard. It went a little like this.

'Thor is very high-strung,

His brother is a little more ... Low-key.'

*Cue raucous laughter*

Even then he was only Thor's brother.

Bad puns aside, Loki was fretting. (Have I said that before? I can sense some Deja vu) He'd never felt this way about anything before. It was as if he were a tightly coiled spring, ready to snap at any moment, and take someone's eye out.

He felt as if he were pinned, helpless, back on the Bifrost, with Mjolnir crushing his ribs.

The weight on his chest was more than he could bear, and soon he would come crashing to his knees.

'We've found her.'

And Loki could breathe again.

Autumn LeavesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang