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A/N: I seriously can't stop laughing. I think I'm crazy. 

Tony's POV:

Tony sighed, and asked JARVIS to get Thor, and Steve. Then he removed his face-mask, and carefully helped Savannah to sit down again. Tony was between Loki and Savannah, and so she crawled over him. He was surprised, and vaguely worried.

'Careful, 'Vannah,' he said, 'You'll only make your wound worse.'

'I don't care. I have to make sure he's okay.' She gently pulled Loki's head onto her lap, and deftly whipped any stray hairs from his face. Then she bent over him, and whispered something into his ear. He murmured something back, too softly for Tony to hear, and Savannah nodded and straightened. Loki had his eyes closed, and a peaceful smile on his face. She continued stroking his hair, and Tony realised that she was singing to him.

It felt rude to watch them, awkward even. It was as if he were intruding on a private moment that only they were supposed to see. And, in a way, he was. There was another feeling too, an unfamiliar churning deep in his gut.


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