The only exception

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Loki was face down in her pillow, shoulders hunched, groaning softly. If he noticed her presence, he certainly didn't acknowledge it. She sat next to him, and he moaned quietly. Savannah reached out, and gently massaged between his shoulder blades, until he was less tense. Then she lay next to him, pulling him into an awkward horizontal bear-hug.

'Sorry,' he muttered, 'I shouldn't've done that.'

'It's okay,' she whispers, 'Are you feeling better now?'

He nods, and she lets him go.

'Yes, I'm fine, just a little tired.'



' 'Cos you smell of puke.'

He winced. 'I would've been sick anyway, I haven't been able to keep anything down for weeks.'

'Come here,' she says, and sits up. Then she tugs him up too, carefully leaning him against her. He rests his chin on her head, and they sit in comfortable silence for a while. He yawns, and she smiles, reaches over for her iPod, and plays her favourite songs to him.

'Savannah, I really am sorry for what I d-'

'Oh shush, I've forgiven you already, and you're speaking over one of my favourite songs.'

When I was younger,

I saw my daddy cry

And curse at the wind

He broke his own heart

And I watched

As he tried to reassemble it

And my mamma swore that

She would never let herself forget

And that was the day that I promised

I'd never sing of love

If it does not exist

'Isn't that a bit depressing?'

'Shush, you're gonna miss the best bit.'

But darlin'

You are the only exception

You are the only exception

You are the only exception

You are the only exception

'See, depressing music can be sweet too.'

'I suppose you have a valid point.'

'Stop talking like you have a stick up your arse, and admit that some one else is right, for once.'

'For once.'

Savannah stuck her tongue out at him.

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