Solving questions

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A/N: Stuffing my face with warm pudding. YUM!

Loki was throwing a mini-tantrum. A dignified one, mind, but a tantrum nonetheless.

'Stark,' he said, coldly, 'I do not see why you will not tell me where you found Savannah.'

You see, when Savannah had been kidnapped, Loki had had the idea of tracking her using her magical signature. At first, Tony had been sceptical, saying that Savannah had no magic. Loki had argued that she did, in the form of Ravennha. Tony had retorted that Ravennha would probably be repressed, seeing as Savannah was in a stressful position, and therefore unable to change. Loki had said that her magical signature would be even more potent because of this.

In the end, they had agreed that they might as well try. And it had worked, thank Odin. They had refused to tell him where she was, and at the time, he was too frustrated to think of an alternative solution. They had gone without him, and he was left fuming back at the Tower. When they had returned, Tony bearing an unconscious Savannah, Loki very nearly collapsed with relief. He had been worried that Amora would prove too much for them, or that Savannah would be in too much of an unstable condition for them to move.

However, it had turned out that Amora and Doom were both absent. His subconscious mind had warned that something wasn't ... quite ... right. But he had been far too preoccupied with ensuring Savannah's stability and safety to question it. Now that she had vastly improved, more pressing issues rose to the fore-front of his mind. Questions like ... like...

Like where was Amora? What was she doing? Why had she kidnapped Savannah? What was the toxin Amora had used on her? Where had she gotten it from? Why were she and Doom working together? Was there an ulterior motive? Why had Amora tried to erase her memories? More specifically, why only the good ones? Why had they employed the Snatchers?

Some of them were quite simple to solve, actually. He had easily understood that Amora had turned kidnapper to get to him, and that the toxin was an attempt to cause a rift between Loki and Savannah. He had assumed that she had taken the toxin from Thanos before he had put her under his control.

But the rest ... 

The rest he could only get from the Enchantress herself. Which was why he was asking Tony to reveal the location of Savannah's previous holding cell.

'Because,' Tony said, rather infuriatingly.

Loki did not rise to the bait, however, and just tilted his head slightly, and narrowed his eyes at Tony sinisterly. Then he raised an eyebrow, flashed him a quick, yet vicious smile, and turned on his heel, his cloak billowing around him dramatically. As he stalked off, Tony called after him desperately.

'Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to destroy Jotunheim.'

'Wait, what?'

'It was a joke, Stark.'

'So where are you going?'

'I'm going to find Amora, and hurt her.'

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