Closer to Death

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'Loki, I promise, I'm not dying.'

'Yes, you are.'


'You are dying.'

'I am not.'

'Savannah, you are mortal. Every second, every minute, every hour and every day brings you closer to death.'

'Oh, Loki,' she said, 'Do you really spend your time thinking up depressing things to say to me?'

'Sometimes,' he admitted, 'But only because I want you to understand how precious life is.'

'I understand, Loki. But if you spend all of forever musing on how life is unbearably short, you won't ever actually get to live.'

'Savannah, promise me you won't ever say that again.'

'Say what again?'

'That you are dying if you are not. There aren't words enough to describe how worried I was.'

'I won't, Loki. It was just an exaggeration, anyway. I didn't mean to upset you.'

'It is fine.'

'It is not fine. I need to know, Loki.'

'Know what, exactly?'

'How much do you care about me?'

'Why do you ask?'

'Because I know that you didn't have to use your magic to restore my memory. That you didn't need to take the blast for me so many times. That you didn't have to comfort me when I was afraid. Because I know that you care more than you think you should.'

'Savannah, I care about you a lot. I don't know exactly why, but I get a strange protective urge around you, as if I were an elder brother. You make me laugh, and, when I'm with you, I forget all of my mistakes. When I'm with you, I feel whole.'

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