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There was a strange look in Loki's eyes when she had called him the last name, and she stored that in the folder, too, and then tried to see if she could elicit another response from him. Somehow, she had ended up atop of him, and he was blushing slightly.

She decided to see if she could make his face imitate the red that Steve had worn earlier, when she suddenly felt incredibly tired. It had been a long day, and she wanted sleep. In fact she craved sleep like an alcoholic dying of thirst craved one final tumbler of fine whiskey.

She was very pleased with her analogy, and so she told Loki. Actually, she had attempted to tell him, but all that came out was a succession of yawns. She closed her eyes briefly, and didn't want to open them again.

'Loki,' she mumbled, 'Can I go to sleep now?'

'Of course,' he said, and shifted a little to give her more space on the bed. Instead, she curled up against him, pulling her pillow underneath her left cheek, to support her neck a bit more. Half-conscious, she didn't notice when Loki pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. She didn't notice when he ran fingers softly through her long hair, or even when he murmured softly-

'You are so very beautiful.'

Maybe if she had, she would've slept more easily.

Maybe if she had, she would have realised why Loki was so protective.

Maybe if she had, her dreams would not have been chased away by horrific visions.

Maybe if she had, she wouldn't've been too afraid to even scream when she awoke, body paralysed by irrational fear.

But she hadn't, and the maybes were nothing more than possibilities never to come true.

Or would they?

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