Selfish Latverians

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  • Dedicated to Everyone. I love you all (Even you)

'So Savannah's not dead?'

'No. I went to get her soul from Hel.'

'Hell? Savannah went to Hell? I'm screwed, then,' said Tony, which earnt him a vicious glare from Loki, who still hadn't forgiven him.

'Unless you die in battle, or during a self-sacrificing act, you go straight to Hel. Going to Hel essentially means dying.'

'So if I told you to go to Hel...?'

'Then you are telling me to die,' Loki said.

'How did you get her back, anyway?' Clint asked, eating a bowl of cereal.

'I simply asked Hela.'

'Does she fancy you, then?' Tony asked, and everyone at the table looked at him in wonderment.

'I hope not,' Loki said, 'Considering she's my daughter.'

There an uncomfortable silence for a while, before Clint, who somehow managed to get up onto the fridge, calls down-


'Clint, if you don't come down from there by the time I've counted to ten, I'm going to go up there, and drag you down,' Natasha says, the tone of her voice making it clear that she's not joking.

'But why-y-y?' Clint whines.

'Because the last time you got up there, you got stuck, and then when I pulled you free, you fell on top of me, and broke your damn ankle.'

'I was drunk!'

'So was I,' Tony says, 'And look what happened then.'

'Where is Savannah, anyway?' Clint asks, whilst trying to stop Natasha from yanking him off of the fridge.

'She's resting,' Loki says, and disappears.

Tony shudders.

'I wish he wouldn't do that. It's weird,' Tony says.

'Loki?' Savannah mumbles. Her throat is burning, and her eyes ache.

'Yes, dear?'

'I'm thirsty. Will you get me some milk, please?'

A few seconds later, Loki returns, with a large glass of milk in his hand. She consumes it greedily, and pushes herself up into a sitting position.

'Loki?' she whines, 'I'm tired.'

'I told you to get some sleep.'

'But I'm too excited to sleep, and too exhausted to stay awake.'

So Loki climbs in next to her, and cuddles her close until she falls asleep.

And he doesn't let go afterwards, either.

'For fucks sake!' Savannah snaps, falling out of bed, 'Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to sleep here!'

In case you're wondering, Savannah has not gone bat-shit crazy. She turns to Loki, and moans.

'Loki, tell JARVIS to shut up, please.'

'That's not JARVIS,' he says, sitting up, and stretching, armour magically forming around him, 'In case you've forgotten, that's the alarm telling us that-'

'That Doom is being a selfish wanker again?'

'More or less.'

'Why won't anyone let me sleep?'

'You've been sleeping for more than thirty-four hours.'

'So? I was dead, Loki. I need my freaking beauty sleep.'

'And we need to defend the city from Latverians.'

'Can't you people just go without me?'

'No. Come now, you need to suit up.'

'Fine. Turn around, I'm getting naked.'

'Surely that should be a reason for me to keep facing you?'

Savannah hits him with her pillow. Loki sighs over-dramatically, and turns around, discreetly watching her in the mirror which she has so conveniently forgotten about.

'Stop being a pervert, Loki. No looking in the mirror.'

Or not.

A/N: Okay, I know you're all gonna hate me for the next chapter, but suck it up. If you want, I'll do a sequel, but I'm fine to leave it as it is.

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