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They'd teleported, and Savannah had nearly fallen over, because her body had decided that it was normal to be horizontal.

Loki had caught her, luckily, and there was an awkward moment where he just held her, and looked deeply into her eyes. It had felt ... nice, but Savannah had still opted to wriggle out of his arms, onto the moss below.

It was quite comfortable there, and so she lay down, and looked up at the sky.

'What are you doing?' Loki asked.

'It'd probably be called star-gazing, 'cept it's day time.'

'Why now, of all times?'

'Because I am trying to hide the fact that I sort of fainted in your arms, and then rolled over, and landed on the ground.'

'Fair enough,' Loki conceded, and bent down to lay next to her.

'Am I intruding?' a deep, baritone voice asked. Savannah froze, in shock, while Loki didn't even blink.

Above them, stood a huge, orange Unicorn. Savannah was sure that they were supposed to be white, but nothing was ever really like you expected in real life, was it?

Loki had done the usual greeting/introduction thing, explained Amora's poison for what felt like the nth time that day, and then asked for a vial of Kalndyre's (the name of the Unicorn) tears. He had said yes, with little question, and then said his goodbyes, and left.



'Why do all of the mythical creatures know you?'

'I got along with them, even more than Thor did.'

'Why did they just give you everything you asked for?'

'Silvertongue, remember?'

Savannah tried not to think of Loki's Silvertongue being applied to anything else but words. It was hard, though, and she soon gave up. In fact, she was so busy indulging herself with fantasies of what exactly Loki could do with his Silvertongue, that she didn't notice the god in question gripping onto her arm until it was too late, and she had temporarily been erased from existence.

Savannah collapsed onto her bed. She was bloody exhausted, and all she wanted was a cup of hot chocolate, and then bed.

'What are you doing?' Loki asked.

'Wrestling an elephant. What does it look like, Loki?' Savannah had missed sarcasm. However, the effect was slightly nulled by the fact that she was face-first in a pillow.

'No idea.'

'Trying to sleep.'


'Because I'm tired.'

'But we still have the list to do.'

'Yes. We do.'

'So, let's go.' Loki reached forward, and took hold of Savannah's arm again. She mustered the strength to lift her head up, and growl at him.

'Loki, if you dare teleport me, I will rip off your genitals, and use them as Piranha bait.' Loki tried not to wince, and failed miserably.

'Why are you being so premenstrual?'

'Because I am,' she snapped. 'Now, let me sleep.'

'What about the list?'

'Unlike you, I have to sleep. I am tired, and unless there's a fire, I refuse to move from this bed, for at least twelve hours.'

'I thought you needed to relieve yourself.'

'I do. I was trying to forget,' she complained, and then got up, and trudged past Loki to the bathroom. A few moments later, she flopped back onto the bed. Loki was still standing there, frowning at her.

'I'm tired, Loki, and I really need to sleep. Can we start again later?'

'Yes. As you wish.'

'Good,' she said, and then several seconds later, 'Loki, I'm co-o-old.'

'Get a blanket.'

'No. Come warm me.'


'Come warm me.'


'You're intelligent; work it out.' When Loki made no move, she groaned, and grasped his hand, pulling as hard as she could.

'What are you doing?'

'Come to bed with me, please?'


'To warm me.'

'Right,' Loki said, 'I knew that.'

' 'Course you did, Loki, course you did.'

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