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'I'm sorry about your stomach, Loki,' she says, 'It was insensitive of me.'

Loki doesn't answer.

In retrospect, it's probably because he's sleeping.

Savannah has recently noticed that Loki snores in his sleep. He hasn't always done it, but when he's tired, it's the worst.

At least it isn't a Thor-Snore. Thor sounded like, well, thunder. Didn't they once say that thunder was the gods snoring?

Anyway, Loki's doing his cute little snore, and curled up in sleep, he looks innocent and angelic.

Kind of.

He looks really sweet, actually, and she wants to take a picture and duplicate it, and send copies to everyone.

Maybe she should. 

Except, Savannah doesn't wish to die throttled at the hands of an angry Norse god.

Then Loki snuffles a bit, and sort of mews, and Savannah is fervently hoping that JARVIS has proof of this. After all, it's not every day you get to see a mythical deity snoring in your bed. She reaches out, and ruffles his hair. He snorts, and twists so he's in her lap.

Aaaah, he's like a little kitten.

Then Savannah's thoughts turn to Tony.. How he seems to be avoiding her, how she hasn't seen any of his ... erm ... conquests for a long, long while. How when he thinks she's not looking, he glares at Loki, and how he doesn't drink any more. He spends all of his time in his workshop, and he's even more anti-social than normal. She stops stroking Loki's hair, briefly, and wonders if Tony really does love her. Loki whines, a little, and she pats his head again.

What's that noise?

It's a weird purry sound, and, for a second, Savannah looks around the room for her lost cat. There's something wrong though. There are no animals in the room, just her and ...


Actually, that's really just amazing. 

He does purr. 

She doesn't intend to blackmail him with it, though; it's just too loveable. Then he makes a kind of whimpery sound, and she wonders if his stomach is giving him bad dreams again. She leans forward, ready to murmur some reassuring words, when he suddenly snorts, and buries his face in her top.

Savannah doesn't know what to do. It is, quite possibly, the most adorable thing she's ever seen. She could sit here, for hours, just looking at his little face.


Then Tony bursts in, startling her, and inevitably waking the little god-kitten in her lap.

'You can't have sex with him.'

'We've had this conversation before, Tony.'

'Well, you can't.'

'Hey, Tony, can I teach you something?'


'It's called knocking.You should try it sometimes. It's quite useful, actually, and a lot of people enjoy it.'

'Like sex then.'


'That's what she said.'

'Also if you knock, people are less likely to throw things at your head.'

'Is that a threat?'

'Unless you leave within the next few seconds, it will be, yes.'

'Promise not to have sex without me?'

'Get out.'


Savannah threw a book at his head.

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