It was over

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July 18th
Leave it all behind


She wanted to leave it all behind, every single bit of it.

Or at least, she thought she did.

She did want to just forget about it all, didn't she?

That would be the best thing, to just forget it all and leave it in the past, so it didn't hurt as much.

Yes, yes that's what she wanted, for it to hurt less, thinking about it all made it hurt, and she didn't want that.

She didn't want the hurt, or the pain, or any of it.

Leaving it all behind her didn't get rid of the pain completely, how could it? A loss that big would stay with a person forever.

But it numbed the pain, less things reminded her of it, if she forgot about it, it helped.

So that's exactly what she did, she forgot, she left it in the past, she left it all behind.

But perhaps there was a tiny bit of her that was clinging on for dear life, a tiny part of her that wanted to remember, but that just wasn't possible.

It was over for her...

For now at least.


A Year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now