That's a lie

53 9 0

August 19th
I'll be okay


"You sure?"

Edmund hesitated, but nodded in the end. "Yeah." He breathed, smiling. "We can't share a room for our whole lives, I'll be okay."

Peter smiled gently. "Okay." He breathed.

"Besides, at least I won't have you snoring in my ear at night." Edmund teased.

Peter looked taken aback. "I don't snore!" He exclaimed.

"That's a lie." Edmund told him.

"You talk in your sleep so I don't think you can st much." Peter said, smirking.

"Talking is better than snoring." Edmund replied simply.

"It freaks me out when you start muttering gibberish in your sleep." Peter said. "All my snoring does it annoy you."

Edmund chuckled at this, and so did Peter, and soon the two were in fits of giggles.


A Year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now