That's a first

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August 17th
Please, not again


Peter sat quietly on the edge of the bed, watching his brother as he slept.

He was waiting for the inevitable, and sure enough within a few minutes Edmund was tossing his head back and forth and muttering under his breath.

"Please," He murmured. "Not again." 

Peter's heart broke, and he gripped his brothers shoulder tightly. "Hey, hey shh." he whispered. "You're alright, I'm right here, you're safe okay." 

He just continued whispering to his brother until Edmund actually did relax and fall silent again.

That was a first, but Peter was happy it hadn't turned into a night terror like it so often had. 

"You're gonna be alright." He choked. "I promise."


A Year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now