I get that

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August 5th
I think too much


"I hate this."

"Hate what?"

"My brain." Edmund grumbled. "I overthink everything, I just think too much, and it's absolutely exhausting."

Peter nodded. "I get that." He muttered. "It feels like a curse."

Edmund gave a sarcastic laugh. "That sounds right." He sighed.

"What do you say we take our minds off everything and go for a walk?" Peter suggested.

Edmund immediately nodded. "I say that's a very good idea." He agreed. "It is looking like rain though."

Peter shrugged. "Then we get wet." He said, not really caring. "Getting soaked through woule really take our minds off all this."

Edmund couldn't help but chuckle. "It really would."


A Year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now