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Janet's POV

I felt kinda weird because that Hemmings kid was sitting behind me and I felt his eyes digging into the back of my head.

So I grabbed Mathew's hand to make me feel safer.

Me and Mathew had that sorta "friendship goals" kinda friendship. Well at least that's what everyone says.

We hug each other all the time and kiss each other's cheeks. And you know stick together almost all the time. He's been my best friend since I was born literally because my mom and his mom were also besties and we even lived next door to each other.

And at that moment he kissed my cheek. I heard a few awes coming from the room, I can kinda see how everyone thinks we are dating.

After class at lunch I was one of the firsts of all my friends to get there so as they stood in line I was already just barely sitting down.

I was about to take a bite from my pizza when Mr Hemmings himself came over.

"Can I help you?" I asked, lunch was my time to eat not talk with freakishly hot guys that could make any girl swoon.

"Just wanted to talk." He said placing down his tray.

"Ok you can start off with what's your name." I said talking a bite of my sausage pizza.

"My name is Luke Robert Hemmings." He said taking a bite of his own pizza.

"Well nice to meet you I'm Janet," I said giving him a fake smile, "now go away." I said emotionlessly.

"Wow how sweet of you, but I'm not going, so you like Bring Me The Horizon?" He said looking down at my shirt.

"Yeah who doesn't." I smiled sincerely.

"And I can tell you also like Green Day, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, and Nirvana." I said finishing my pizza.

"How did you know?"

"I can tell." Plus he had on the bracelets haha idiot.

"Hi Lukey." I heard a girl and a lot more started popping up out of no where.

Oh come on all I wanted to do was eat my food peacefully and all these girls come over practically yelling.

I saw Luke looking worried and not really wanting the attention he was getting and he looked at me for help.

So I just scribbled on a piece of paper "GO AWAY AND THEY WILL LEAVE" and once he read it that's exactly wha he did and all the girls just sighed and went back to what they were doing.

Yes now I can drink my orange juice in peace.

Luke's POV

Did she use this predicament to her advantage?

I turned to look at her and she was laughing to herself.

That made me laugh her smile is adorable and I love her laugh.

She's in Choir so she must sing.

I was looking through her Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook because I just needed to know everything about her. So I followed her and sent her a friend request on all the social media that I mainly used.

She just caught my interest you know.

I was currently walking through the halls when I saw the list for Football. And guess what.

I'm the motherfucking Quarterback and Captain.

That's when I saw Heather one of the cheerleaders, and she also new I had made it to Quarterback😉

Janet's POV

I was very happy once Luke went away.

That's when Matthew and my other friends Nash, Casper, Joe, and Gabriella came and sat down with me.

When they sat down I noticed Matt was looking at something in disgust, or should I say, someone.

Luke Hemmings was sucking off the face of Heather Pines.

And Luke was starring at me as he did do.

"Why is Luke starring at you?" Matt said turning to me.

I just shrugged as my answer but Gabs had to open her trap, "because Hemmings has a crush on Janet," she whispered.

"He does not...shut up." I whispered back.

"Let's make him jealous, if he stops what he's doing then he's jealous." Matt said turning to me.


"We can pretend to make out." Matt said.

I was about to deny but Casper butted in, "I dare you Johnson."

"Fine then." I laughed looking at Matt, as he put his arms around my waist bringing me closer.

"Oh he's stopped." Gabs whispered in my direction as I wrapped my arms around Matt's neck.

As I leaned in my hair fell around us causing a curtain that blocked out everything around us.

As we moved out heads to act like we were really making out, Gabs whispered, "he's walking this way."

And so I slowly pulled away, licking my lips to add to the moment, and turned to see Mr Anger himself a few inches away from our table, with his hands balled up into fists.

He was fuming, his eyes had turned into a dark blue. And his breaths were heavy and uneven. And that's when he stormed out of the lunch room.

"He's such a child." Matt said laughing and high fiving everyone at our little group.

This was not the expectation I had expected.

He stormed out as if we had been dating for years and I barely met him this morning.

I felt kinda bad for him, and I didn't know if I should follow or stay, but I decided to stay when I heard the bell ring.

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